I kinda miss my blogging days. I'm not saying I'll recapture the insanity that was the heyday of this blog, but I'm going to make an effort to keep ya posted on random things, more like what it used to be around here. I'm pretty active on Instagram too, if you ever want to stay up to date on all things CINO! Jack's room has morphed from Peter Pan … [Read more...]
Disney trip sans kids!
We just got back last week from a kid free Disneyland trip! and it was AWESOME. We love taking our kids, believe me...but since we are pretty much kids at heart it was a must do for this years' kid free trip! (we're making a trip like this a yearly thing!) The weather was perfect when we went (last week of June), which was lucky! I strongly … [Read more...]
Grand Legacy at the Park stay!
We had the best time at Disneyland this week....kidless. yes, we went solo! AND it was amazing!! Much thanks for the stay, Grand Legacy At the Park hotel! We loved staying here! They have several businesses on the bottom floor that are handy! A Pizzaterian, Alpha Gift Mart, Creamistry, and Jimboy's Tacos, plus an office to book your tickets … [Read more...]
You know those vacations that you need a vacation from when you get home? This was one of those. The girls had their issues with sleeping and eating, but we still managed to have a lot of fun together! I'll spare you from the rundown, but here's a few of my favorite pics! This is the best shot I got of the two of them in their dresses. Yep, they … [Read more...]
Minnie Mouse dresses
We are big Disneyland fans in this house, and since we're headed down for a trip soon, I just had to make the girls some matching Minnie Mouse dresses! (and by "had to" I mean I thought of the idea, and then kept putting it off til right before the trip...gotta love the last minute sewing scramble)They're uber simple peasant dresses (I use this … [Read more...]
Sorry, I know you were expecting some awesome giveaways to enter this morning. I needed to tie a few things up-so it will be up tomorrow-promise! For now, I'm going to force you to look at show you my vacation photos. muwahaha! ha. Well, folks...in just about 5 days....we..... ...had about as much fun and excitement as we could take! We … [Read more...]
disneyland (again)
whew. this was, by far, the most tiring disneyland trip we've had in the past four months. har har. for those of you not keeping up, this was sadie's fourth trip. within one year.yes, we are crazy. but when you get season passes, you've gotta use 'em! so use them we did. this time was the company trip, which was a blast. thanks again to jeff … [Read more...]
Get ready…
.......for a TON of pictures. For time's sake I will hopefully keep the blurbs short. (click on any of the pictures to make them bigger)Agh! So cute. People loved her little outfit. I gotta say i did too! Too bad it got hot later or I would've left it on all day! Day one: Spent most of our time in the car and Fantasyland. Sadie wasn't sure about … [Read more...]
Alrighty then…
We're halfway (almost) through our Disneyland trip! Yesterday we ( Rory, Sadie, me, and Rory's mom) left around 7 in the morning and got here around 12:30 or oneish. Sadie is such a trooper. She napped a little bit in the car but still did great. We went into the park and headed straight for Tomorrowland to meet Rory's sister Mandy and her kids … [Read more...]
Tada. An outfit I made a few days ago...that shirt was so frustrating. Never sew gathers with linen. ARRRH. I wanted to call my mom to help me, but it was like 10:30 at night. Another reason not to start a pattern at 8:30 at night. Oh well. The shorts were of course super easy so that made me feel better. I used the Simplicity pattern 4203 for the … [Read more...]