Barbie knit top pattern-improved version!

For those of you long time readers, hello! Do you remember when I did this tutorial, way back when? In time, the pattern became lost and undownloadable (it's a word don't worry about it), but I found my hard copy recently! YAY! So I fine tuned the pattern and digitized it and it is now available to download and print for free … [Read more...]

outdoor movie night party

Sadie had her heart set on an outdoor movie night party this year, and lucky for her, August is the perfect month to have one of those in! My in-laws have an amazing outdoor screen that we used, (similar) and it worked out great! We had quite the crowd as many families joined in on the fun! It was BYOS-Bring your own seating-and we put out all … [Read more...]

Secrets and Suitors book review

So excited to review another of my talented sister's amazing novels! This one is titled Secrets and Suitors! I absolutely adore this book. The story is compelling, original, and fresh (I read a lot of Regency so this should mean something lol!), and the characters are so realistic. The protagonist, Nora, is quite shy and deals with some social … [Read more...]

kids clothing review

As you might guess, with four kids around the house, that equals a lot of clothes! Kids clothes are (obviously hehe) some of my favorite things to make, or pick out! I've leaned away from making kids clothes over the past few years, just a preference...mostly because there are SO many cute options out there! And getting wholesale children's … [Read more...]

simple wood necklace organizer

I've seriously meant to make this for so long, bought the hooks and wood even, and then promptly lost the wood. I lose everything, people. I lose my phone at least 2x a day, I lose my sanity on the regular, and I have even hidden birthday presents so well that I had to give them the next year. Cuz I couldn't find them til then. So basically it … [Read more...]

Charlotte’s Camping party

Charlotte picked a camping theme for her 9th birthday party, and at first I was a little stumped! Then I started poking around Pinterest and settled on a vintage summer camp vibe and got excited about planning it! First, the invite! Invite is available in my Etsy shop! Kept it simple with the decor & dessert table, just some gold letter … [Read more...]

Jack’s Cars Birthday Party

Jack's third birthday party theme could only be one thing-Cars! He's been OBSESSED with the movies (mostly the third), for the last year at least. I also have been redecorating his room in a Radiator Springs theme, so I was already invested lol! Let's dig in! As usual, there will be some affiliate links, which help immensely with future parties! … [Read more...]

Invitation Designs!

I'm thrilled to let you all know I've started creating digital, printable invitations and put them in my ETSY shop! I have had SO much fun designing and creating these, and hope you like them too! If you have any theme ideas, do let me know, I'm always thinking about new designs and themes! Click on any design to see more! … [Read more...]

laundry room remodel

This particular room and remodel has been a looong time coming! Our laundry room was the one room that had not been touched since we moved in 10 years ago-not even to add shelves or anything! There were more pressing projects to be done first, like the backyard and that took a long time too since we did most of it ourselves. I had this laundry room … [Read more...]

pantry makeover

The KonMari method has been sweeping social media and the world at large, and swept me along with it! I am a regular purger of things-I like to call it "editing" my house-so I'm used to the process, but after watching the Netflix show it gave me a renewed energy to pare down and streamline so we can live our best lives! Or, at least make getting … [Read more...]