There's a lot going on in the world right now, and I don't know about you, but any reason to celebrate should be...celebrated. I threw together a little birthday shindig for my good friend Alisa who is a fellow office fan, and with a few touches and purchases, put this outdoor, socially distanced party together! First, let me make this … [Read more...]
How to train your Dragon party
Well, it took a few years, but we finally jumped on the How To Train Your Dragon movie band wagon last year, and Ava fell in love with the movies, books, and tv shows! So when I say she had this theme picked out for awhile...I mean it, lol! It was SUCH a fun party to put on and to plan. From the decor to the food to the invites, I had a … [Read more...]
outdoor movie night party
Sadie had her heart set on an outdoor movie night party this year, and lucky for her, August is the perfect month to have one of those in! My in-laws have an amazing outdoor screen that we used, (similar) and it worked out great! We had quite the crowd as many families joined in on the fun! It was BYOS-Bring your own seating-and we put out all … [Read more...]
Charlotte’s Camping party
Charlotte picked a camping theme for her 9th birthday party, and at first I was a little stumped! Then I started poking around Pinterest and settled on a vintage summer camp vibe and got excited about planning it! First, the invite! Invite is available in my Etsy shop! Kept it simple with the decor & dessert table, just some gold letter … [Read more...]
Jack’s Cars Birthday Party
Jack's third birthday party theme could only be one thing-Cars! He's been OBSESSED with the movies (mostly the third), for the last year at least. I also have been redecorating his room in a Radiator Springs theme, so I was already invested lol! Let's dig in! As usual, there will be some affiliate links, which help immensely with future parties! … [Read more...]
DIY cookie stencil hack
I do not profess myself to be anything of a cookie expert, so please take this tutorial with a grain of salt. (or powdered sugar, if you will) I do, however, like to save money when I can! I love a good deal, and this hack was waaay cheaper than purchasing an airbrush machine and all the accoutrements it would need. Even if I do make cookies at … [Read more...]
avas panda party
We just wrapped Ava's 6th birthday party and it was so cute and fun! She chose a panda theme and I love how simple and fun it was! Black and white is a fun graphic punch and I added some pink in because Ava loves pink! Also I had these flowers that my friends Aimee and Erinn made for a girls camp banquet last year and I took home because I couldn't … [Read more...]
sadie’s harry potter party
Earlier this year, Sadie read the first Harry Potter book. Then promptly sped through the rest of the series-and then started them over again once she finished! I am so proud lol but seriously parenting win right there, since I read the series as a teen and devoured them as well. (like most of the world) So, it was a pretty clear winner for her … [Read more...]
sticker you review
I am almost set to post Sadie's Harry Potter party! Before I do, I wanted to show you these amazing custom badges that the lovely people over at Sticker You sent me! They let you add any image and then they cut the shape perfectly! The website was really easy to use and I got them uploaded and ordered in a jiffy! They are SUCH great quality-really … [Read more...]
Greatest Showman Circus Party
If you're anything like my family, you've had The Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat for the last while-my kids adore the songs! They are super catchy and singalongable (totes a word), and when Charlotte mentioned she wanted a party with that theme, I JUMPED. I've always wanted to do a circus party and this seemed like the perfect way to do … [Read more...]