I finally made the hard decision (lol) to give up my craft room for Sadie, and I had SO much fun making this room over for her. It took weeks of work to downsize and empty out my craft room, (not to mention the design and planning and shopping! oh darn shopping), and the cover story was that we were making it into a combo craft room/guest room, … [Read more...]
master bathroom reno

We finally finished our master bathroom renovation! The real one! I did this small makeover a few years ago to tide me over, but was so glad to finally flip this bathroom! I like to make a rough mock up in illustrator whenever I do a room, just to make sure everything flows together, and this is what I ended up with-there were MANY changes along … [Read more...]
Girls room update!

If you know me at all, I get the itch for decor change around the house pretty often! I can't help it! I don't think I'm alone in this though, don't we all crave something new and fresh every so often? Last year I started on a revamp of the girls room, which began with a purchase of Beddy's bedding-it is the PERFECT bedding for bunk beds and seeing … [Read more...]
simple wood necklace organizer

I've seriously meant to make this for so long, bought the hooks and wood even, and then promptly lost the wood. I lose everything, people. I lose my phone at least 2x a day, I lose my sanity on the regular, and I have even hidden birthday presents so well that I had to give them the next year. Cuz I couldn't find them til then. So basically it … [Read more...]
pantry makeover

The KonMari method has been sweeping social media and the world at large, and swept me along with it! I am a regular purger of things-I like to call it "editing" my house-so I'm used to the process, but after watching the Netflix show it gave me a renewed energy to pare down and streamline so we can live our best lives! Or, at least make getting … [Read more...]
updated craft room

It's been about 2 years since I moved from the largest bedroom in our house, to the second smallest. Quite the downgrade, but honestly I like it better. It's been a great reason to downsize my stash and only keep the things I really use! aaand then I kinda threw everything in here and called it a day for the last two years. I finally got the … [Read more...]
updated girls room

I thought I'd do a little update post on the girls room since we've had to make some changes since we redid it about 2 years ago. The biggest change is the bed! Ava has always been our fastest growing girl, so we knew her toddler sized bed wouldn't last much longer. We don't have space in the room for an extra twin size bed plus the low loft bunk … [Read more...]
master bathroom makeover with quadrostyle floor tiles

This master bathroom makeover has been needed for a looong time. I had always put it off because someday we plan on tearing out the hall closet and incorporating it into the bathroom so we can have a tub...but that's someday. I finally decided that I'd had enough and in a whirlwind 2-3 weeks, made over the master bathroom! It's a tiny … [Read more...]
easy globe makeover

I've been making over a few of my globes lately, and this one is the latest! I'll add a pic at the bottom of my Death Star! It's awesome if I do say so myself. ;) I started with this one-love the size and that it's made of metal, but the colors weren't really blending in with my new decor. (I've been redecorating the past 7 months or … [Read more...]
Peter Pan Baby Boy Nursery

Almost the minute (ok, at least the same day) that I found out I was having a boy this time around, I started dreaming up his nursery...browsing Pinterest for ideas and themes, of course. I pinned a bunch of random nurseries and realized there was a bit of a theme...I liked the colors grey & green, rustic wood accents, and adventure/woodsy … [Read more...]