I guess this is one of my all-time favorite pattern pairings for an easy to sew, comfy outfit for my girls! How many have I made? one two three plus countless other Nessie and legging pairings my girls have worn. It's practically their uniform. For this fall season, I chose some warmer colors and mixed some patterns! I feel like kids look … [Read more...]
gathered nessie pattern hack
I love this pattern hack I did the other week-using the Nessie top pattern, I made this swingy gathered top for little Miss Ava! It was SO easy to do, and I'll show you how below. But first, feast your eyes on way too many pics of Ava. Hey, my blog, my amount of pics. Plus, this fabric. swoon. I don't know where it's from, but it's … [Read more...]
lulu top hack (mini tutorial)
I was lazing sitting around in my sewing room one day thinking about my next project and spotted this thrifted turtleneck shirt that I have had for years...I always loved the pattern but for some reason never cut it up to make anything. WELL, that was about to end! I had my Lulu pattern printed off and on my cutting table, so I quickly sewed up … [Read more...]
gold feathered Nessie top-made with my new silhouette cameo!
I have a new baby guys! Ok, a totally electronic baby, but it's so awesome and makes goo goo ga ga sounds. just kiddin. The lovely folks over at Silhouette send me a Cameo to play with, and having had the SD for years, I knew I'd be a fan. aaaand...I am. I'll admit I was a little intimidated and it didn't come out of the box for a little while, … [Read more...]
coral triangles and chambray Lulu dress
I know I say this a lot....Sadie seriously seems to sprout up out of her clothes quite regularly. Especially dresses! She was in need of a few play dresses, so I whipped up this Lulu that I've been wanting to make ever since seeing this Lulu one of my amazing testers, The Graceful Rose, made. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, … [Read more...]
mixed fabric Nessie top
I've been wanting to make a top like this for ages-I'm not quite sure what held me up...and I'm kinda perturbed with myself for not making one sooner-it's such a fun look! My Nessie top is perfect for this- the hi-lo hem really gets shown off! I also used a woven for the back part! It's from Joanns-a long time ago, some kind of rayon I think. I … [Read more...]
snow white lulu dress & boys wallet
I just got back from a whirlwind trip up to visit Kristin in Portland! (if you were following along on Instagram you got a sneak peek of a combined photo shoot we did with the girls!! prepare for cuteness!) We had so much fun-and ate way too much. (WORTH IT) We happened to time our visit with her daughter's birthday party and so I sewed up a … [Read more...]
Lulu tester pics
Ok just let me babble for a minute about my awesome testers, will ya? They went above and beyond, and sewed up the most gorgeous Lulus in the process! (they have some darn cute kids too) I appreciate every single one of them and their feedback and insights. BIG virtual HUG to you all! Now go check out their gorgeous … [Read more...]
lulu dress and top pattern
I am so thrilled to release another pattern into the wild today! Introducing: It's a very versatile pattern-and bonus-it's QUICK to sew up! I know I have had too much fun sewing up a whole slew of Lulus! I am really excited that this is my first pattern using diagrams instead of tutorial pictures. Hopefully this helps make … [Read more...]
KCW: liberty heart Nessie top
One more project for KCW that's been on my list for awhile-I really wanted to make a Nessie sweatshirt with a liberty heart on the front. So I did it. Can I get a huzzah for crossing things off your list!? *huzzah!* Anyways. It's SUPER cozy. Sadie wasn't thrilled about our photo shoot which was in the morning when it was still a little chilly. … [Read more...]