I just can't get enough of this face!Happy Saturday! … [Read more...]
to Rory
Happy Father's Day! To Daddy,Thanks for everything you do for me. Thanks for the blubbas, tickle wars, candy and ice cream when Mommy's not looking, toys, working so hard so Mommy can stay home with me and sister, my tunnel, hugs, kisses, snuggles, reading me books, and watching Finding Nemo with me about a million times. I love you Daddy!Love, … [Read more...]
made from scratch
Here's a little project I've been working on for the past nine months... Charlotte N June 17th, 2010 8 lbs 3 oz 20 inches So, yeah. The baby is here! Early to boot too. ;) Here's the story...mostly so I can remember it. I woke up Wednesday morning...er...leaking. All day I wondered if it was my water that had broken. So I called the … [Read more...]
cute couple
Here are some of my favorites from Joanna and Cody's engagement pictures we took over the weekend. I think they turned out pretty cute. Note: I am no professional. Hardly even an amateur. ;) But you can't beat free! (well, it may cost her some chocolate covered raisins) isn't her ring purty? good pick! i loved that this tree was carved. If only … [Read more...]
grad cupcakes
My little sister graduated from our community college last night...she was honored, got a plaque for being a honor scholar. What a smarty pants. jk, congrats Jo. We had a little party after wards for her at our house, so of course I had to make a last minute banner, and cupcakes!They're made from upside down Reese's cups, chocolate covered graham … [Read more...]
getting ready
We are in the home stretch for baby #2! A little more than 8 weeks and counting. Rory is good about reminding me to get things ready...like buying newborn diapers (oh my gosh...are they REALLY that tiny? I'd forgotten), washing and sorting the 0-3 month clothes, etc....I'm more about the crafting! lol. Like these big sis/lil' sis shirts I made for … [Read more...]
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter :) We had a great day...starting with playing with some fun toys in Sadie's Easter basket, waffles for breakfast, and General Conference. After that we headed over to my parents house for the egg hunt and lunch. (egg salad sandwiches of course)I was keen on taking some shots of Sadie's dress, so we did that right away. (Rory said,"are … [Read more...]
that's what Sadie would say when we told her we were seeing some animals at the zoo. We headed up to the Oakland Zoo today for a fun family day. (Rory had the day off) We saw giraffes....and....well I didn't get many good pictures of animals because it's impossible with the fences....PLUS Sadie is cuter than any animal there.although I love me a … [Read more...]
it’s a…….party!
if you're dying to know what we're having (boy or girl), skip to the end if you must.if you can stand waiting til the end of the post, continue reading about our "baby gender reveal" party! this party almost didn't happen! i had been planning it for a few weeks, and had my ultrasound scheduled for this afternoon. (friday) well, i get a call … [Read more...]
independent woman?
hopped in my parents rv for an impromptu trip to monterey this morning. it was high tide at the "beach", so we got to see some awesome waves, like the one above. gnarly. we enjoyed some sandwiches, clementines, and cookies for lunch, and then headed outside to see the waves and birds closer. sadie had fun peeking out the window at us...alas, fun … [Read more...]