I am super dee duper excited to share with you these adorable color-blocked painted utensils! I made them for my "mommy friends" (as Sadie calls them....we usually exchange Valentines along side the kiddos at my annual Valentine party-if you are a friend of mine-LOOK AWAY. Or at least act surprised....), and I'm smitten. I grabbed some nice bamboo … [Read more...]
play kitchen materials
sooo, you want the rundown?here's where i got everything...and as good a price list as i can do....i'll break it down as best i can...as best as i can remember, at least! (i'm horrible at saving receipts!) lumber- 2 4'x8' pieces of 3/4 inch plywood-$70 flourescent light-$10 light box and switch-$4? (dad?) wood for … [Read more...]
play kitchen=DONE!
we finished the kitchen with time to spare...alright, christmas eve afternoon. so not much time to spare, but it was done, anyways. here it is! in all it's painted, handled, glory! here, please notice (and make a big deal out of for my dad's sake, hehe), the light behind the window, oops, i mean the sun shining on our mountain/lake … [Read more...]