Awww so cute! I love this fabric, and I wanted to try making one of those tag blankets for babies. Apparently they like to play with the ribbons...hopefully our baby does! It didn't take very long-and it's so soft and fun! It's pretty small-about 17x17". Fun and fast! … [Read more...]
Itty Bitty baby dress and bow clips
I decided to tackle this little dress yesterday, with no help from my sister or mom. (I hate patterns and always need their help) I do ok with easy straight lines, so this dress was challenging, but not too difficult! I had the material all picked out, so I just went for it. It only took an hour and a half or so, the hardest part was getting the … [Read more...]
Baby blocks and other projects…
Here are those cute fabric blocks I was talking about making...aren't they fun? I put bells in them too, but I had to put like 4 in each in order to hear them. hehe. Then Ally thought they were toys for her....I have a feeling she will be doing that with most of our baby toys. They all make fun noises! Poor thing. Anyways, here's a pic! Tutorial … [Read more...]
Bunny and Block
So, my second attempt at making a stuffed animal was a little better. For one thing, Rory did not dub it "psycho demon kitty", (or psycho demon-bunny), so I'm ahead already. We named her Bunny. I know she doesn't have a face yet, but I'm pregnant! Give me a break. (that excuse is soo handy sometimes!)Also, I tried a soft fabric block pattern that … [Read more...]
I feel crafty…oh so crafty!
So yesterday I got it into my head to sew some things for the baby. I enlisted the help of my sister Janae and we decided to try making a blanket. It actually came together fairly quickly, and I sewed it up in no time. The pattern, as you can see, is pink stars, and we decided to sew around some of the stars to keep the batting from sliding around. … [Read more...]