Sewing, etc.

It's been like Christmas morning around here. Awhile ago I helped a friend in our ward pick out fabric for a quilt for our then-bishop's wife. She gave me the leftover fabric the other day, woo-hoo!Of course, I had to make some goodies for her to say thank you. (hope she doesn't read this before I give them to her)Update to my ribbon shirt … [Read more...]

Nothing’s worrying me…

Raindrops keep falling on my head....actually they did today. Good thing it was an I-don't-care-what-my-hair-looks-like day. I have those pretty much all the time these days. When you have a baby, all non-essential grooming is left by the wayside.It was rainy today, if you couldn't guess already. We need the rain, but by golly, it's MAY. I wanted … [Read more...]

Crafting for babies…

Now, obviously Sadie cannot do crafts yet, so the title refers to me crafting for her. haha. dur. Anyways, here are some things I've been up to lately... Gathered some cross stitching hoops on the cheap and made this fabric art for Sadie's wall! Close up, cute huh? Soo easy too. New pillow for the rocking chair, and it looks so much better than … [Read more...]

Am I crazy?

Probably. I'm starting another quilt, this one is a tiny bit bigger than the last. Wish me luck! … [Read more...]

Past, Present, Future.

PAST:Yesterday Rory cleaned up the yard with a hurting back, then we dropped off my car to fix it's squealing belt, then visited with his parents, then met my mom and sister in the Target parking lot, then went up to a fabric store in San Jose where I got this fabric for $2 a yard,...should have gotten more, also bought some trim and buttons and … [Read more...]

Some eye candy…

Finally got my fabric semi organized-and why not by color? It's so pretty. Figured now is a good time because of the upcoming move. Enjoy the colorfulness. (is that a word?) bluesy greens pinkish reds orangey crazy colors this is fabric picked out for a project I'm working on...maybe with my cousin if she likes the idea. She's coming out … [Read more...]