the Charlotte dress

Simple, cute, and the perfect starter dress. That’s the Charlotte dress! It’s basically this dress reincarnated. (although maybe not….cause she still wears that one… hmm. never mind)
and minus the bow cause, Um…laziness struck. It’s easy to make though! Maybe I’ll whip one up.
It has a contrast band around the waist, the bottom of the skirt, and around the gathered sleeves.

I used some Nicey Jane fabrics for this dress, from my awesome sponsor, Lily Bella Fabrics!

I made a quick matching flower to clip to her headband.
Sorry about this next pic, it just always gets me when their faces get all scrunched up and angry.
Like, is your life really THAT rough?
Besides, 2.5 seconds later, I snapped this shot. (sorry so blurry)
So the answer is, no, your life is not THAT rough, little miss.
So what I’m getting at, not so slyly, is this is the next sew along! If you guys are down for it. I’m thinking maybe next week, but it seems so close to the last one…but I was wanting to make this a monthly thing. Thoughts anyone?
I do have instructions to put in an invisible zipper! Does that entice you?
(it might not be absolutely positively the right way to do it/correct, but it works, soo…)
fabric (main and contrast)ย 
I used probably 3/4 yard for the main, and about 1/4 yard for the contrast for my 8 month old.
matching invisible zipper (I got a 9″ one)
Sewing stuff
rotary cutter/board
scissors, all that jazz
So I’ll let you know when it’s all going down. ๐Ÿ˜€ย 

P.S. Thanks for all the advice on potty training yesterday! I read every single comment and got a lot of good advice and tips. I’ll keep ya posted on any developments on that front!


  1. So excited! This is gonna be fun! AND I can get over my fear of zippers!

  2. Really, that Charlotte is one of the cutest babies I’ve EVER seen. I could look at those cheeks all day long.

    Ps the dress is beautiful, too!

  3. I have been scouring lately for Easter dresses to make, and bestill my heart, I think the Charlotte Dress is perfect!!! YAAAY!

    Love it. Can’t wait. My other sew-alongs can sit in the corner and hush their mouths.

  4. Let’s do it! Especially since I missed the last one! ๐Ÿ™ I’m not sure if I’m having a little girl yet, but I figured I can make one, and if I’m not I know about a hundred other women having babies right now! I’ll give it to one of them!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. OMW, that photo makes me want to go out and get knocked up, ha ha! SOOOOOO cute!

    Love the fabric choices, btw!

  6. I love it! Now to go through all of my insane amount of fabric and find enough to make two! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. is the dress made out of vintage sheet fabric? or maybe vintage sheet inspired fabric?

  8. YEAH!!!!!!!!

  9. Ohh, SO sweet! I absolutely love it – the fabric, the headband, the squishy sweet baby girl ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. I can’t wait! I will be on pins and needles till it begins. Thanks!

  11. I’m up for another sew along… monthly sounds great to me ๐Ÿ™‚

    The dress is fabulous, I love Nicey Jane, so cute!

  12. I have never done a sew along, but it looks like fun! That is a beautiful dress, and I might MIGHT get over my fear of zippers!

  13. Ummmm, so flipping cute! That dimple?! Ugh, gets me every time! I LOVE the style of this dress, classic and beautifully made!
    Hey, I will absolutely get you some hobby lobby fabric! Not joking, I’m always telling steph that I feel so bad for you be ause you have to order all your fabrics online unless they come from joAnns…man, you need to plan a Utah trip where your focus is to fabric shop, I have like 15 stops on the great Utah carry/fabric tour for you! Seriously though, I will totally get you hobby lobby or any other fabric for that matter, just let me know what you want! Love you!

  14. consider me enticed! I may need to alter the pattern for my tall fat baby. I even need to alter my own patterns for my tall fat baby. Yay for tall fat babies, though! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. i have been wanting to make a dress for my little girl (6 months)! i am definitely down for the sew along–i joined you in the advent calendar. im already super intimidated though b/c i dont have a bias tape maker (or really know what it is) and i am terrified of zippers…… but yes, i’m in!

  16. ok i just realized the advent calendar wasnt w/ you. but still, i’m in! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Yes, lets do a sew-a-long! I just finished my first sew-a-long with Shwin and Shwin and it was fun! Do we need to worry about a pattern?

  18. Love it…and my very adorable Granddaughter will be the cute recipient!!! I can’t wait!!!! XXX

  19. OMG I cannot get enough of that baby! I can;t get over how cute she is!

  20. Yay! I’m so excited for another sew along! I loved the last one and plan to go back to the sadie shirt! I’ve never done a zipper so this should be interesting! This will look cute on my very tiny 7 month old!

  21. Bring on this dress sew a long!!!!! I am so excited. I need two matching dresses for my girls next month and this is just the ticket. Once a month is great for sew alongs, but the sooner we start with this one the better. :->

  22. This is adorable! Is it just going to be cute baby sizes or big(ger) girl sizes too?

  23. It’s adorable! What a cute style — and gorgeous fabrics!

  24. This is what I’ve been waiting for, a project with an invisible zipper. I’ve been terrified of them. If anyone can walk me though it- it’s you. Thanks Jess.

  25. wow…she’s SO GROWN UP!!! How old is she now???

  26. Charlotte is the cutest baby ever i just love watching her..those cheeks kill me..

  27. Charlotte is the cutest baby ever i just love watching her..those cheeks kill me..

  28. Charlotte is the cutest baby ever i just love watching her..those cheeks kill me..

  29. Charlotte is the cutest baby ever i just love watching her..those cheeks kill me..

  30. Charlotte is the cutest baby ever i just love watching her..those cheeks kill me..

  31. Charlotte is the cutest baby ever i just love watching her..those cheeks kill me..

  32. Charlotte is the cutest baby ever i just love watching her..those cheeks kill me..

  33. Charlotte is the cutest baby ever i just love watching her..those cheeks kill me..

  34. Charlotte is the cutest baby ever i just love watching her..those cheeks kill me..

  35. I’d love it…hoping I can resize for my toddler. ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Oh I am sooo in! Adorable!

  37. Where do you order your fabric from online?

  38. What an adorable dress! And an adorable baby. Those cheeks are to die for!

  39. Charlotte is so cute! I love her sad face. ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the fabric choices. I bought an invisible zipper yesterday. I really should try it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. how beautiful is she????
    like a little doll!!
    (the dress is pretty cute too :P)

  41. I can’t wait!! That dress is super cute. I’m dying to make it.
    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. What a doll! I would LOVE it if you would do this sew along! I love the fabric choices too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. I’ve never done a sew along, this dress looks like the perfect first one! Now to decide if I want to make it for my 4 month old or my 3 year old ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. I sure hope one of my upcoming great grands is a girl so I can make this dress, it is just too cute!

  45. That dress looks great, I’m in for another sew-along. I really enjoyed the last one ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. yay sewalong!

  47. Love, love, love your blog!! I would love a sew along each month. This Charlotte dress is SO cute!! I have an 8 month old too and would absolutely love to make her one. Your girls are so beautiful and you are so very amazing with your sewing. I’m really nervous about a zipper but I trust you because you are an excellent teacher and your tutorials are always so well done. I’m just finishing up my Rachel wrap today. Thank you so much.

  48. I’m would love to join this sew along. I have a couple baby presents I need to make and I would love to learn how to install a zipper.

  49. Yay, a monthly sew-a-long sounds wonderful! I didn’t end up getting the chance to participate in the last one, but I REALLY want to make this dress, or should I say “attempt” to make this. Can’t wait to get started.

  50. I love the dress Jess, it is so adorable! The pic’s of Charlotte are great, it’s not easy photographing a moving baby;)

  51. I would love to do this as a sew along! I have two girls and this would make adorable easter dresses for them!

  52. L.O.V.E. Love it!!! So adorable. I won’t be able to participate next week, though. Since my Rachel Wrap Shirt is still sitting on my machine unfinished, I’m going to pass on this one, but I love that you want to do a monthly sew-along… very exciting!

  53. Love the dress (although can’t sew along just now), love the dimple and love the screamy face. I get in trouble for getting the camera instead of the baby when that face appears (also when the bottom lip quiver starts).

  54. how adorable!!! Your tiny one is so beautiful, such cute cheeks I bet you eat them all day long he he

  55. Just love those cute dimples ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am new to your blog and absolutely enjoy reading it! You have inspired me to start these fun projects. My mom made me (and my dolls) clothes when I was little, and I never had the desire to continue in that until now. I guess we all become our mother eventually ๐Ÿ™‚ (p.s. I love my mom :))
    One problem – my only child is a boy… any boy projects come to mind? Hopefully God will bless us with some girls along the way!

  56. I am sincerely enticed.

  57. Count me in for the sew along!

  58. definitely want to do this!!! so adorable.

  59. Yay! This sounds like so much fun. Plus, I need to get started on an Easter dress now rather than later for my baby girl!

  60. Hey, I’m a new follower and am likin’ what I see so far. I found you over at 33 shades of green. She showed her version of your dress and did a great job! I love sewing for little girls. My daughter is 9 now so I’ve been at it while. Fortunately, I have smaller nieces coming along so I still get to do things like this adorable dress. Looking forward to seeing what else you have.

  61. Thank you for the awesome tutorial! I made my girls Easter dresses following it. You helped me overcome my fear of zippers ๐Ÿ™‚ I posted pictures on my blog:

  62. Hey I just posted about your tutorial for this dress on my blog. I hope you’ll check it out. I made my own version which is a little different from yours. The link:

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