I had this loosely knit french terry fabric burning a whole in my pocket-er…stash shelf…and I knew I wanted to make a Harrison Hoodie before too long-THUS this adorable little sweater was born! I made a size 12-18 months, which fit very well! It was such a quick make-It felt like even including piecing the pattern and cutting, it was about an hour sew. SEW fun. (har har)
I love the neckline on this one-it’s classic and someday I’d like to play around with some color blocking!
and dang it if he isn’t the cutest.
Since it is very loosely knit and doesn’t have the greatest recovery, I ended up shaving off some width on the side and sleeve seams, and sleeve/waistband pieces as well. Worked out well!
it is fantastic!! and he is such a doll! thanks for showing this, I might want to try making this for my little people. Happy Sewing from Iowa
He looks so lovely in it.
thank you!
How… how… how can you call it a hoodie… when it doesn’t have a hood?!?!?
But it’s adorable!
hehe! there’s a hood option!
Love it and I’m thoroughly enjoying all this little boy sewing. It was so long ago for me now it seems (sob)
aww thanks!