Are you gearing up for Kids Clothes Week? I always love these weeks Meg does-my favorite part is all the inspiration and sharing of ideas that goes on. I also welcome the opportunity to make some fall clothes this year-I’m hoping to get some longer sleeved shirts done, and maybe a jacket or cardigan. We’ll see!
Speaking of which, might I ever so humbly suggest some of my own tutorials for your use, if you’re participating?
Below are some of my faves-and some that would be great for fall weather. Click here to see more!
Word! This week couldn’t come at a better time. My poor daughter needs clothes. My mom likes to comment on her spring-like shirts and dresses with the fall weather around us. Isn’t that what sweaters are for? Anyway… can’t wait to see what you do!
Jess, you rock! You are such and inspiration. I love your tutorials and have learned so much! Off to check kid’s week now.
I’m in! All three kids need summer clothes, and I am going to see just how much I can fit in.
Seriously you have the best dressed little people! When I grow up I want to be just like you… (although I think we might be the same age so instead read ‘when I am competent enough to look after someone else other than me’) You are great!
Yeah! I’m definitely doing it! I already planned to make the Lovebird Tunic for my twins…I have this PERFECT vintage fabric. Your tutorials are always awesome. Thanks for doing what you do! Also…your kiddos are the most adorable ever (after mine of course, LOL).
thanks for mentioning your refashioned jean skirt ~ I hadn’t seen that one before 🙂
I’ve decided I’m doing this this year, and I WILL stick to it (fingers crossed), oh and I WILL be using some of your tutorials…oh yeah…
Yay for KCWC! I’ve been saving some projects for it… needing some dresses, and COSTUMES over here.
OMG so cute! Such great tutorials! Thanx for sharing!
You have the cutest tutorials! And such sweet little girls!
I almost forgot about it but thanks to your blog post today I am signing up! 🙂 I always plan on using your tutorials! I love them all! So do my girls! 🙂 Thanks again!
LOVE the junebug dress. i gotta make that sometime.
incidentally, have you ever made a peasant shirt? i’ve got some cute polka-dot fabric just waiting to be made into one…
Dear Jess,
first of all, thank you!
thank you for sharing so much of your skills and tutorials!
thank you for making me laugh and practice english when trying to understand everything (sewing is new to me, sewing in englsih is even more a challenge!)
I have been trying the bapron with success and I think I will make many more in the future!
here is a link to my (french) blog, there will be a post on the bapron monday with a link to your blog of course!
Have a nice sunday!
ps: I have been an au pair in Morgan Hill CA years ago, and I remember visiting friends in Gilroy! guess what: garlic is one of my favorite food ingredients!!!
Thanks for all the awesome tutorials! I’m so sad I don’t get to do kcw. We’re leaving town tomorrow and I won’t be able to sew… I did make the Junebug dress during the sew-along. It was an awesome tutorial! My child looks gorgeous in her Junebug dress. Thank you! I’m too late to add to the flickr pool, probably, but I’lm post the pic in my blog with a link to your tutorial. Maybe I’ll try the lovebird tunic next, it’s adorable.
Thank you!