Circle Bib necklace: a guest pst for Me Sew Crazy!

Hey peeps! Catch me over at Me Sew Crazy today with a quick and easy necklace tutorial.Update: reposted the tutorial below! "Bib" necklaces are all the rage, are they not? Yeah I'm kind of behind the times, I'm sure. Anywho-I found some of this vinyl stuff in the remnant bin at Joann's-in a lovely shade of of course it hopped into … [Read more...]

felt dahlia flower

  I've been wanting to make more of these flowers ever since I made one a few months ago, but my plans always fell by the wayside. (along the wayside are also my plans for world domination and the best chocolate chip cookie recipe in the world, but what can you do?) When I asked Sadie if she liked this flower, she said,"yeah...? It's a circle." … [Read more...]

more pretties

So I've been making some more pretties to wear! (plus some for gifts!) I found most of the findings on Etsy, and glued, jump ringed, and wrapped my heart out.   I have been having so much fun making them while watching How I Met Your Mother. (which is hil-wait for it-arious!)I'm on a bit of a jewelry making spree, and loving it! These wrapped … [Read more...]

jewelry organizer

I found this idea on Pinterest-using a thread organizer for necklaces and rings!  I got it at Joann's-40% off, plus a 20% off total purchase coupon, so it was only $8. Sah-weet! And it fits all my necklaces, and it's so nice to get them off my dresser.The layered look is only nice when they're not tangled. … [Read more...]

circle felt flower

Hey guys....soo yeah I am not quite off my felt flower kick, lol...I also made some circle flowers, which are just as easy as the layered ones!Cut 6 circles of the same size... Then glue 5 of them into quarters...and glue them on another circle like so. Plop another quartered circle on top and you're finished. Add a clip,'re in … [Read more...]

mini scalloped felt flowers

  Another felt flower! These are easy and so cute. I made them by first cutting out flowers with my Go Baby! Rose of Sharon die.  I loooove the accuquilt cutter! (affiliate link) I use it so much for felt work! You could cut a flower shape out by hand easily, too. Mine were about 3" wide. Then I started cutting a spiral shape like … [Read more...]

rolled felt flowers

While on my latest felt flower making kick, I also made these easy rolled flowers.Cut a long strip of felt, I prefer wool felt (my strips were about 18" long and 2" wide) then fold over and glue lengthwise...just along the edge. Then cut little slits however wide you like, and end them about 3/8" from the bottom. (notice my awesome new scissors? … [Read more...]

felt flowers-easy layered flower tutorial

  Get ready for some felt flowers this week! I had a blast making a bunch the other day and made a few tutorials for them, they're simple stuff, but so quick and fun to make. Today I'll show you how I made these easy layered flowers. First I cut out a bunch of flowers from wool felt, using my Go Baby! Rose of Sharon die. I use my Accuquilt … [Read more...]

I made some jewelry. (plus a guest post)

I use the word "made" in a very loose sense. If I can make jewelry, than anyone can. These consisted of gluing stuff,  opening and closing jump rings, etc. That I can handle. Although I did once take a jewelry class in high school where I actually soldered and stuff, it was quite fun but I made the ugliest stuff. The two necklaces on either end … [Read more...]

only-the-essentials felt wallet

 So whenever we go to Disneyland, I hate bringing my wallet into the park. It's big, cumbersome, and I don't need half the stuff in it. (really, just my annual pass card or ticket, ID, debit card, and some cash.)I also hate grabbing my bag whenever we go on rides because I'm afraid someone will take my wallet if I leave it in our stroller. I do it, … [Read more...]