Circle Bib necklace: a guest pst for Me Sew Crazy!

Hey peeps! Catch me over at Me Sew Crazy today with a quick and easy necklace tutorial.

Update: reposted the tutorial below!

“Bib” necklaces are all the rage, are they not? Yeah I’m kind of behind the times, I’m sure. Anywho-I found some of this vinyl stuff in the remnant bin at Joann’s-in a lovely shade of mustard…so of course it hopped into the cart and came home with me, destined to become a necklace.

 Well, not at first…I wasn’t sure what to use it for, but I love wearing this shade of yellow….so put 2 and 2 together, you get…..a necklace! (oh, and 4.)

So I decided to make a quick and easy necklace.

What you’ll need:

some vinyl (or felt would be cute, too!)
jewelry findings (chain, clasp, jump rings…or an old necklace you’re willing to cut in half)
glue (I used E-600 glue for the vinyl)

So first off, cut a bunch of circles or another shape from your vinyl.  I used my Go Baby cutter.

Then draw a bib-esque, banana-esque shape…whatever you want to call it. Then I cut it out and adjusted a bit til I liked the shape.

Attach the clasp and jump rings to your chain using needle nose pliers…cut it to the length you’d like (my pieces were about 9.5″ long, make sure to allow for 1/2 inch on the ends to glue to the vinyl.)
Then I glued the ends of the chain to the top of the banana (lol) and started gluing the circles down. No rhyme or reason, just what looks good. You can trim some off the “banana” if needed.
Then I let my necklace dry for 24 hours, underneath something heavy and flat. Then I had a new necklace that hardly cost a thing!

just for fun…a little blurry-but-cute outtake from our Emma dress photo shoot. aww, melt my heart. 🙂


  1. Aw, so cute! (the babies and the necklace 🙂

  2. thank you again so much Jess!!! And can I say, that picture? Priceless!!!!

  3. Adorable! I love bib necklaces but can never come up with a good way to wear them. Maybe it has something to do with the fact I am always in scrubs! Ha ha.


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