a Maggie Mae dress

I love sewing with Shwin & Shwin’s patterns-they are simple, well-written, and always turn out really cute! I have a few more patterns of theirs I need to try, but the first one I made had to be the Maggie Mae tunic/dress.ย  I loved the curved bodice and blocking of the fabrics.ย  Plus those little pleats are perfect! Plus, it has pockets for Sadie’s extensive rock collection.

I think I’ll try it in solids next…cause I know there will be another version in our future. Either for Charlotte, or when Sadie grows out of this one. Or when I trick myself into thinking I can fit into the 7 yr old size.

The plaid fabric is from Denyse Schmidt’s Aunt Edna line that is at Joanns right now…and I love. this. plaid. I usually am drawn to florals-but this one jumped out at me and yelled “MAKE ME INTO A MAGGIE MAE DRESS”. So I said “Ok” to my fabric…and then wondered why the other ladies in line looked at me so strangely.

I kid. Or maybe not….

Ok but seriously. So cute. Yes, she has her shoes on the wrong feet. AGAIN. Silly girl. Love her.

Keep a lookout for a giveaway sponsored by Shwin & Shwin Patterns soon! (ie, Friday!)


  1. What a beautiful dress!!!

  2. So so so cute ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love it ๐Ÿ™‚ realllllly ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. lindoooooo beijos

  4. LOVE your fabric choices, it came out SO CUTE!

  5. That fabric jumped out at me, too! Here’s what I did with it: http://roseleej.blogspot.com/2012/03/hello-yellow-spring-bag-just-for-me.html

  6. That is such a cute pattern and I love your version! PLaid is totally for the cool kids.

  7. Love that plaid and the pattern. Really cute. How would this look in jersey? I must see more of their patterns, not sure I’m ready for button holes. Argh!

  8. This is so, so sweet, Jess. The plaid is perfecto!

  9. I love it! I have been on a sewing dry spell and am feeling the itch … I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for your giveaway.

  10. I couldn’t wait for the giveaway, I just bought the pattern ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been looking for a pattern for Easter dresses for my girls and this fits the bill perfectly, thanks for sharing! Love the plaid you chose too.

  11. This dress is so cute! I saw that plaid fabric at Joanns and I loved it. I think will have to go back and buy some.

  12. Love this, I think I can’t wait for the giveaway. Ps, that fabric said the SAME thing to me, except it told me to make the Oliver +S sailboat top.

  13. Looks like a mini-me version of the Colette Macaron dress. http://www.colettepatterns.com/shop/macaron
    Love it

  14. I talk to fabric too, all the time. I love that plaid, and the DS florals right now at JoAnn… but every time I go I leave it there. Sad day.

  15. That is so cute!! I really love it. How easy is it to make? I know you’re uber talented, but is the pattern easy to follow? Do you think the quilter (who sometimes sews dresses) could do it? It is so cute, but I don’t want to get halfway and give up.

  16. I am just finishing my Colette Macaroon dress today and I am planning on making coordinating dresses for the girls so we can all wear them for Mother’s Day! I will be back on Friday to enter the drawing. This is DARLING- great job!!!

  17. this is beautiful-great work!

  18. So, so cute! I LOVE it! One of my most favorite dresses you’ve ever made. I need to make these for my daughter now!

  19. ADORABLE! I love your version of this dress, I love everything Shwin & Shwin creates so I can’t wait for the contest ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. This dress is so lovely! I’m glad you listened to your plaid fabric. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Thank you for directing me to ShwinDesigns; I am going to have to check them out some more.

  21. oh my! I LOVE this dress! i have to buy this pattern. thank you!

  22. So, so, so cute! That’s it, I’m going to JoAnn tomorrow!!!

  23. LOVE it. Cute fabric. Cute pattern… can’t wait for the giveaway… hoping they’ll be a discount code for those of us that may not win, but still want a pattern or two. Beautiful girl!

  24. I have this on my wish list…I love how yours turned out…too Cute!!

  25. I bought this pattern recently and it’s been on my list of things to make SOON! Glad to see it turned out so beautifully for you. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love how you made it long for a dress. Does the pattern do that, or did you add length? I thought it was more of a shirt when I purchased the pattern.

  26. Oh so fun! I’ve got this pattern sitting on my sewing table but haven’t had time to cut it out and sew it up. I need to stat!

  27. ooo this is so pretty! i want one for my Maggie! ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Love the dress and especially the front detail. You are so lucky that your girl would wear different colours. I am afraid brown is not in favour in this house, and i wish my little one would venture beyond pink, red or purple.

  29. what a gorgeous dress!! adding to my pattern must-haves list now ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. This dress is adorable. I sew skirts or dresses for me great neices.

  31. Anonymous says

    I love that pattern! I might just have to buy it! And I JUST bought 2 yards of that fabric last night because it’s fabulous! Love it!

  32. I love that pattern! I might just have to buy it! And I JUST bought 2 yards of that fabric last night because it’s fabulous! Love it!

  33. Hee hee, I’m not really anonymous–I accidentally clicked that, thus the repeat comment. Sorry!

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