I should be going to sleep but I just cleaned my whole craft room, so why not stay up an extra ten minutes to blog? Tonight we had our first (of many, we hope) craft nights with the girls! It was so great to get together without the babies, (for those of us who have em) don’t get us wrong, we love them to pieces, but it’s nice to get some girl time in without chasing after so and so, or making sure they’re not swapping sippy cups. (a regular pastime at play date) We didn’t talk TOO much all about kids I think. Lots about pregnancy and weddings.
Stephanie, Cassy, Aimee, Moi, Aubrey, and Kim made it. We gathered tables, goodies (of course), sewing machines and scrapbooking supplies, made a mess and talked a ton.
See? the mess. Rory made sure to take a picture to showcase it. Isn’t he nice. Then after they all had left, he helped me carry my stuff back to my room and then got on my case about cleaning it. So I cleaned it and it looks 100% better. Seriously I should have taken a before and after. haha. So we’re thinking of making it a monthly thing, I can’t wait!
Sounds like a lot of fun! Too bad I don’t live closer! 😉
It was SO fun!! Thanks for having us all over!
How fun is that!!! I spied the Alexander Henry brown Apples and Pears cloth…eekk! I so want a yard of that, maybe one day. I love the couch and quilt combo. Sadie is a lucky gal.
Too fun!
That looks like so much fun! I didn’t realize how important girl time was until I had one of my own. Now I crave my weekly dates with girlfriends.