All the kiddos went in! What a bunch of cuties. Cassy was taking the picture. Thanks Cass!
She liked hanging out on the steps with Gage and Rayne.
Smile Sadie! It was so bright and warm out there today, I hope I got some sun…in a good way, don’t worry we slathered sunscreen all over before we went out. She is getting to be such a big little girl, I can’t wait til Rory can play with her in the water too!
Oh how fun! And I totally wanted that swimming suit for Ella but they didn’t have her size!! Sadie sure looks cute in it! Oh, and I’m glad you got the bracelets and that you liked them! 😉
Hey! The valence I made with the extras from the crib quilt… my little sister Megan pretty much eyeballed it and I followed her very precise 12 year old instructions. =) I think it turned out pretty well for not having planned on making it when I started!
I have really enjoyed looking at the things you have made… aren’t fabrics so fun?! You have some really pretty ones!
awwww what a cootie patootie! yay! now for swimming lessons! hahaha
That was so fun! I love how all the kids were splashing and just enjoying the water. Definitely have to repeat it!
Nice! Get ready for a summer of swimming fun! She will turn into a fish before you know it!! Yipee for sunny days
Oh gosh look at her face! She’s so happy to be in the water! Loooove it!
So adorable. I love that little hat!