Holiday traditions

1. Egg nog or Hot Chocolate? Oh, hot chocolate by far…especially with whipped cream on top. In fact, just give me a cup of whipped cream and I’m happy.

2. Do you wrap presents or bag them? Wrap…I loove wrapping presents. That’s what I did today. My tree looks so much more happy with presents underneath it.

3. Colored Lights or White? White, but we have both. They look like little stars.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, but we used to tie bunches of the real stuff together with ribbon and sell it around Christmastime, for our violin trips and such. My grandpa hacked it off one of his trees for us.

5. When do you decorate? The day after Thanksgiving. No ifs ands or buts about it.

6. Favorite holiday dish? hmmm…this is weird, but huevos rancheros on Christmas morning, I never get it otherwise cause Rory doesn’t like eggs.

7. When & how did you learn about Santa? I can’t really remember. I do remember when I last really BELIEVED in him, it was when we had Christmas at our cousins the Pettits when I was maybe 7 or 8, and someone strung up a red bulb outside our window and shook some bells. I was SOLD.

8. How do you decorate your tree? With pretty things.

9. Snow…love it or dread it? Love to play in it. Hate to drive in it/go to work in it.

10. Can you ice skate? I suppose I can. I am not too steady though.

11. Do you remember your favorite gift? Hmmm…when I got Samantha from the American Girl Doll line. I was sooo pysched. Also my first cell phone.

12. What is the most important part of the holidays? Spending time with family. Remembering the reason for the season. The giving spirit is what I enjoy most.

13. Favorite holiday dessert? Peppermint bark. Just made some yesterday…yum!

14. Favorite memory? I love our traditions, opening stockings first in my parents room, coming down one at a time, youngest to oldest, to see our Santa presents, breakfast, and then opening all our presents, one at a time. (and yes, it takes FOREVER with my family, but we love it.)

15. Do you have a special ornament? I love my old homemade ones from when I was in Primary, and I’m digging Sadie’s first year ornament right now!

16. What do you do on Christmas Eve? We usually have pizza with Rory’s family, and then my family acts out the nativity, and we open Gramma Jammies, watch the Claymation Christmas special, and then the sheet comes up. DO NOT GO PAST THE SHEET. Or you will be sorry!

17. If you could have anything for Christmas this year what would it be? A million bucks. And a new car. And….world peace.

I tag: Cassy, Janae, Jenni, Lindsey, Kim, and whoever is bored!


  1. Mmmm, that peppermint bark looks yummy! We open presents one at a time, too. It does take longer, but I wouldn’t have it any other way…I love to see everyone’s reactions! And I always wanted an American Doll, but never did get one. Darn. Oh well. I could never decide which one I wanted…and what if Santa brought the wrong one?!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I’m bored! ๐Ÿ™‚ And thinking I need some less-jaded blog entries.
    I never knew you got the Samantha doll! Those things were sooo the bee’s knees when we were in school. But they costed like a butt-load.

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