So. I knew I’d be making pants during year of the boy, and I already have, two pairs actually. But this pair of JEANS might just well be the super star of the first month of YOTB! Of course, it’s the Small Fry Skinny Jean pattern, and I’m sure you’ve seen it all over blogland. Like 4 years ago. I’m nothing if not hip with the times. (insert eyeroll)
But when you have 3 girls and they all fight about who got the last thing mom made, it gets a little overwhelming to sew for them all. I think that’s why YOTB is so much fun for me. I get to concentrate on one kid, and one wardrobe, and it’s SOOO (SEW?) liberating.
So let’s talk jeans and logistics. I sewed up the 12-18 month size, but I did change a few things. I slimmed down the sides to the 9-12 month width (only on the outside of the pant pieces), and also the waistband to the 9-12 mo size. I also chose that size for the back patch pockets and think I could have gone even smaller. Next time I will also raise them a bit. (oh yes there is already a next pair being dreamed up)
Guys I’m trying so hard not to do caps for everything in this post. I’m just SO EXCITED.
I cut out all the fabric and prepped the pieces with markings and interfacing on one day, and then sewed the next day. yes I sewed them all in one day. In hindsight-I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND. lol! Not that the sewing wasn’t fine-it went really well! But my poor back was aching the next day from being hunched over sewing all the detail work.
DUUUUDE. These things are pretty legit. I am fairly proud of myself! Topstitching is no joke though. I lost count of the amount of thread tails I pulled through with a needle. I have never been so glad to have my Bernina. With the belt loops, I think I was sewing through like 10 layers of fabric at that point? It was crazy and took awhile but worth it!
I had Sadie’s Singer machine set up for sewing basic seams (and with navy thread), then my serger standing by, and then finally, my Bernina ready to go with top-stitching thread! By the way-only load the top of your machine with the top stitching thread-the bobbin should have regular thread in it. I used navy, red, or yellow, depending on what part I was working on.
I happened to have the most perfect button in my stash! I also messed up, picked out and re-top stitched the button fly, because dangit I was a bit of a perfectionist with these puppies.
The great thing about the pattern is that it is SO clear and precise. It was a lot of steps, and a lot of work, but I enjoyed the challenge and the precision needed. It’s fun to churn out t shirts, but also something like this once in awhile. Plus people are SUPER impressed when you casually drop into conversations that you sewed those jeans.
The fabric I have had in my stash for a long time-not sure where it came from but I’m guessing Joann or It’s a lovely weight with a bit of stretch! I have PLENTY left over for another pair as he gets bigger, or if I ever made a pair for Sadie (which I’m debating about)
I chose the half fly option because he’s a baby and why not make things easier on myself? hehe. I have done a pair of zippered shorts once and it about did me in.
I chose some echino cars canvas that I’ve had forEVER for the waistband and I love how it turned out. I sewed in a little size tag and it’s so cute in there. I also did the elastic adjustable waist but I think I messed up and I can only tighten it now, not let it out. LOL. #thingsilearn
So all in all they were a very satisfying sew, and I definitely have more planned!
Best part of YOTB?? All these pics of Jack! Such a cutie! Oh and the sewing is pretty good too 😉
aw thanks!! that was one of my goals too-to get more shots of him at this age!
They are so cute. Well done 🙂
thank you!
They look awesome and Jack is so adorable
thank you so much!
Well done! I modified a pattern to make some kid jeans once and wow, was that a lot of topstitching! It’s always worth it though!
it was! but oh so worth it!