favorite things party

favorite things party

I’ve always wanted to host a Favorite Things party, and decided this was the year!

I threw it in there with all the other holidays shindigs and Nutcracker performances, just to make my holidays a bit crazier, lol.

It was worth it, I think! We all had a blast hanging out with each other and went home with some AWESOME new favorite things!


I went with a black, white, red, and gold theme since I already had Christmas decor up and I figured it would mesh well with it!

favorite things party

I chose some of my favorite appetizers for us to nosh on, cause I LOVE me some appetizers. (and eating the leftovers for lunch the next few days!)

favorite things party

I made caprese skewers with grape tomatoes, mozzarella balls, and basil leaves on a toothpick. YUM! I added some balsamic vinegar for us to sprinkle on top if desired.

favorite things party

A cranberry white cheddar cheese ball. YUM!

favorite things party

one of my fave appetizers-stuffed mushrooms!

favorite things party

and some delish (store bought lol) spinach dip. Sometimes you gotta cut corners.

favorite things party

I made some sparkling cranberry punch-equal parts cranberry juice, lemonade, and ginger ale, with sliced lemons and cranberries thrown in for prettiness. 🙂

gold cups (affiliate link)

favorite things party

For dessert I made chocolate mousse cups, and raspberry swirl cheesecakes…and put out some Lindt truffles and candy cane milanos because I can’t stop.

favorite things party

I had my island set up for all the favorite things to be arranged on, along with some flowers and a cute chalkboard.

And hangy things. gotta have hangy things.

gold paper lanterns

red tissue puffs from Target

favorite things party

We had cozy socks, chocolate chips, candles, soap, lotions, chocolate, mugs, succulents, cleaner and washcloths, popcorn, and a bread basket-everything was adorable and I think we all went home with amazing new finds!

I loved what I got!

I created a favorite things questionaire that we all filled out anonymously…then I read them out and we tried to guess who it belonged to!


It was so fun and I found out some things I didn’t know!

After we had guessed whose was whose, we had that person draw five names from a container where we had all put our names in 5 times, and they took home one of that person’s favorite things!

favorite things party

On to the favorite things! Bought some white bags and added some personalized tags for each of my friends to have their own SWAG bag!

favorite things party

Because I’m me, I wanted to have a little craft to make, so I decided on a few ornaments to make-these wood slices became mini chalkboard ornaments…

favorite things party

and these bells became bell wreath ornaments. So fun!

I think it was a really fun night and I definitely will be doing this again…maybe an annual partay!?


  1. But what were the favorite things you all exchanged?? I want to know!

  2. I just got this is my email today and had such a fun time looking at all the lovely things you have out for guests. I especailly like the idea of giving gifts under $6 for all the guests. That is such a great gift exchange idea and doesn’t cause undue financial stress.

  3. You throw such awesome parties! I’m going to have to run this idea by some friends since crashing yours probably wouldn’t be kosher lol

  4. What a great idea!! I love it!

  5. This sounds like so much fun! I love the matching invitations, banners, signs, and things!

  6. aww what a fun idea!! I love this!!!


  7. That sounds like a lot of fun!!

  8. Very fun, Jessica. Where’d you get the invites? I think they’re adorable.

  9. Your parties are the best! You should move near me and invite me to all your parties. And then plan all of my parties!

  10. Would you be willing to sell all your cute tags, banners, invites, etc? I love them and also have a favourite things party every year with these colors!

    • email me!

      • Melissa Messer says

        Beautiful party!! I’m interested in your printables too. I love the color scheme you chose! I’m doing a fav things party next week. Let me know if they are available to order! Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂

  11. Love it! I will be trying this with my book club this year. So Oprah-ish?

  12. Where can I get these invites? I love them!! You did a great job!

  13. Where did you get all the printables from?

  14. Do you sell the printables? Love them!

  15. After we had guessed whose was whose, we had that person draw five names from a container where we had all put our names in 5 times, and they took home one of that person’s favorite things! I don’t understand! What person drawed five names? If you put your names in 5 times then when they drew was there duplicates of the same name drawn? Did everyone get a gift or only the winners of the games? Thanks!

    • Each person drew 5 names from the bucket and they took home the favorite thing of the person drawing. Everyone brought and got 5 things.

      • I just saw this on Pinterest. I’m still a little confused by this part. So, is that the way each guest gets the other guests’ favorite things? When I saw the picture with all the favorites on the table, I was thinking that everyone just takes one of each. No? When everyone puts their name in the bucket five times, the same name could possibly be pulled five times in a row, right?

        • hey! yes the same name could be pulled 5 times, but if that happened we would just put it back in so they didn’t get all 5 of the same item. Hope that helps! If you have 5 guests, you could just take one of each, but I had invited more than that. 🙂

  16. Sunny Sunshine says

    I just came across your post on Pinterest. I am looking forward to hosting my first Favorite Things Party in December. I’d like to know if your invite and other printables are available. Please let me know. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

  17. Virginia Rehak says

    Any change you remember what guage wire you used for the bell ornaments? It needs to be sturdy enough to hold its shape and the weight of the bells, but thin enough to pass through the bells. Great craft for my non crafty party guests. Thanks

  18. Terri Golden says

    Thinking about a favorite things party….question…when drawing the names, won’t you possibly draw the same name more than once since all names are in five times?

    • Yes it’s definitely possible! We just traded at the end if someone’s name was pulled twice for someone’s gift.

  19. Eight of us do this every year for Mother’s Day brunch! So fun and creative!

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