Sadie’s work of art

What do you think of Sadie’s new lovely artwork ? It has some of my favorite song lyrics on it, and I got it from my sponsor, 13 Pumpkins.

I am so happy with the quality of the sign-it’s handmade from wood (obviously), and the letters are painted, not vinyl, which is nice cause I’m always worried Sadie will start peeling off her flower vinyl decals out of boredom someday. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I also kind of love that the lyrics talk about “words” and it’s hanging above her bookshelves! lol I’m a dork.

Also, all those books but one are thrifted. ๐Ÿ™‚

More peeks at her room, including her new quilt, later this week!


  1. Love that song and I’m loving the sign… I think it’s a great idea!

  2. So cute!! I can’t wait to see more. I really love those shelves too.

  3. I love that quote, too. Such a great song. And I’m nerdy and like the word thing, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. This artwork is great! It looks so fabulous on the wall. Love the lyrics.

  5. I LOVE it!! I really love the word thing!! I find SO many cute things that I want to put in Evelyn’s room and our room and ALLLLL over our apartment ha ha but I never do it because I feel like I just keep finding cuter ones then the one I found before! AGH! Ha ha I LOVE this one though!! SO cute! Can’t wait to see you guys SOON!!! Love ya!

  6. You are so not a dork, I love how that looks together!


  7. Very lovely–I do love a good quote! And I see the Hats book on her shelf–my very favorite childhood book (I can still hear my mom’s voice reading it to me.)!

  8. Oh that is totally cute!

  9. love – love – love it! it’s so cute! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Can you tell me where you got your vinyl flower decals? I’ve been looking at a stencil for the same flower (I tried making one myself and it was a total craft fail!). PS- I just started following your blog. I love your creativity!

  11. So cute! (Those look like Ana’s $10ledges…am I wrong?) I share the same addiction to thrifted books, it’s pretty bad. Every time I see a Golden Book at the DI I wonder, “Hmmm, I wonder if Jess has this one?” Funny how you can relate to people you’ve never even “met”!

  12. I love it! And the bookshelf is pretty awesome, too.

  13. I love it! And the books/bookshelf are pretty great, too.

  14. I love it! I love that song! I love that it is above the books!

  15. What a lovely sentiment, beautifully presented. Lucky girl~

  16. This looks beautiful! I love all the individual parts and how they all come together so nicely ~ Oh, and I have always loved Elton John too!

  17. That looks great, I’ve been wanting to do something similar for my little guy (the book shelves). I had to smile when I spotted the book on there called Wild Animals and their babies. I had that when I was a child and the last time I was at my Mom’s house I went through some of my boxed up things and found my old children’s books with that one in there too!

  18. Love It!

  19. i am trying to recreate this. However, i am having a hard time. I have painted my board but im not doing stencils and my son does not have the penmanship. is this vinyl? if so where did you get the letters? if not, how did you get it so neat!?

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