Hey, so some of you may have noticed the little hiccup yesterday-aka-no blog access for most of the day. 🙁 I apologize, it was entirely my fault, and entirely to my hubby’s credit that it’s up and running today. Yes, he is a computer miracle worker. THANK YOU Rory. You rock. And you may notice I have a .com now. Yahoo…though I’m still working out some kinks, aka redirecting. Stick with me, sorry about all the redirecting pages…I’ll put my best man on it! (Rory…)
Also make sure to check out the adorable bags I posted about yesterday, if you missed it!
So….Let’s just get this out of the way, I’m not pointing to my “guns” in this pic. (impressive as they might be…snort/giggle) I’m dorkily pointing at my sewing machine. Yep, I’m just that cool.
I was hoping to enlist your help…my about me page is kinda random….(don’t go look now! pretty please?) I’m taking a bloggy page out of Kate’s book and opening the floor to you for questions. Have you ever wanted to ask me something? Like…..How old are you? (26) What is your favorite color? (teal) Are you really this dorky in real life? (yes.) See how that works? I can’t promise to answer all of them, but I’ll do my bestest. And in return, you may just help me write a more fun about me page-and maybe answer some FAQ’s.
I’ll give away a yard of surprise fabric from my stash to one randomly-drawn questioner-person. (aka ask a question, get entered.) Now, that’s incentive, huh?
Ask away!
How do you find time to sew with 2 little ones? I have a 3 year old and a 1 1/2 year old who never give me time to sew. I would love to know your secret!
When did you start sewing, and how did you learn? Congrats on the .com, love your blog! 🙂
As a person who just bought there first sewing machine last week, what are a couple of tips you would give someone starting to make baby/children’s clothes?
What is currently your favorite line of fabric?
Random, but how many kids do you want to have? I picture you with a slew of cuties!
Who inspired you to begin sewing?
What’s your best tip for a beginner sewer who is a bit scared of the whole thing?
What kind of sewing machine did you get????
what are your biggest goals/aims/plans for your sewing/blogging future? (and thanks for including your readers in this big stuff!)
– gabby
gabriellecato at gmail dot com
Where do you get most of your inspiration from, or are you just that good that you come up with everything on your own? 🙂
How did you come up with your daughter’s names? And…where did you first learn to sew?
(Thanks for the chance to win!)
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com
Hey there! What is your least favorite thing about sewing? I hate it when the bobbin runs out and I have to stop right in the middle of a project and re-thread the stupid thing:)
Green Olives or Black Olives? lol. 🙂
What has been your favorite project to date? And WHY do you sew?
What are some of your favorite recipes?
Not gonna lie, my first thought was “Welcome to the gun show” haha.
hmmmm… I will provide you with some absolutely random and ridiculous questions.
If you were feeling super daring, what color would you put in your hair?
What chore would you beg, borrow, or steal in order to avoid?
What is your favourite way to eat bacon?
Where is your serger??
How did you and Rory meet? How long did it take to know that you wanted to marry him?
Here are all the questions that popped into my head… some are random- don’t laugh!!
what inspires your sewing?
why did you learn to sew?
where do you want to be in 5 years, 10 years?
Is your hair naturally straight?
Do you exercise?
How long have you been married?
How many siblings do you have, are you close?
Do you like to read? If so, what are your favorite books?
Do you plan on having more kids?
what did you want to be when you grew up?
how did you come up with your girls’ names?
can you lick your elbow? (i can!)
what country would you like to visit?
fruitlooplexi (at) gmail.com
Hmm I’ve always wondered how you balance it all.
Are you just a really fast sewer? Good at time management?
Also where are your favorite places to shop? You have some cute clothes.
[email protected]
Do you use a stitch ripper often? (I will only rip something apart 2 times, then I just make some…. “creative alterations”)
I always want to know what kind of sewing machines other bloggers have. I still have a fairly cheap one, but it works! 🙂
What has been your favorite project?
What is your favorite, most productive time to sew? And when do you actually GET to sew with two little ones:)
where is your favorite place to shop for inspiration?
who is your favorite sister? oh wait, i already know that one 😉
How the heck do you find time to make so many things?
Do you have any fears/phobia’s? I have weird ones (elevators are one of them) so sometimes they are the funny little known facts about people 🙂
Who or what inspires you? Have you ever sewn something for Rory?
What is your favorite crafty-tool, besides the sewing machine?
My question s this: whats the most favorite thing you’ve ever done? (Crafting or otherwise – you know, like that awesome Tahiti vacation, the time you went skydiving, or your coolest runway show) 🙂
What is the weirdest thing you have ever made?
What was your biggest crafty fail?
Paper or plastic? 😉
Have you ever wanted to sew a quilt? I’m thinking about trying it, but don’t even know where to begin. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Where do you get inspiration for making your own patterns?
q: what is your favorite vegetable? What would you have to be bribed to eat?
Where do you seeing yourself creativity-wise in regards to sewing in 5 years? Designing your own fabric line? Owning a fabric shop? Teaching classes? Vlogging? 🙂
Where do you find your inspiration for color combinations before you start sewing a quilt?
What are 5 things on your bucket list?
Second question:
Do you knit? Crochet? If not, will you learn how to soon.
If you didn’t sew, what could you see yourself doing creatively?
How do you come up with your amzingly creative ideas?!
If you could choose 3 people to have dinner with, who would they be and why. (No limit of who – dead or alive, real or fictitious)
What made you decide to start a blog? I’ve been thinking about starting one myself for a while now, but haven’t taken the plunge yet. Also, for a non-craft related question – what is the worst thing you ever ate?
If the grochery store was having a HUGE BOGO on all cereal what two (different) kinds would you choose?
What’s the one thing you like least about sewing?
Why did you begin blogging/what inspired you to begin blogging about what you blog about?
I enjoyed Dana’s post on Made recently about her fashion style (where she shops, what she likes to wear) – how about something regarding your style?
What is the process behind creating something brand new? It blows my mind you can just think “hmm I want to make a cute dress for Sadie. hmmm if I do it this way it will look like this!”
That’s all I can think of now! Congrats on the .com. I can’t wait for the new About Me page!!
What does your sewing room look like? Besides the type of sewing machine someone has, I’m always curious to know where a person sews! Is it on top of the washing machine or are you lucky enough to have your very own room. Can’t wait to see your new about me page.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is the number one value that you want to instill in you kids? Who are adorable by the way!
Do you stick to a craft budget and what is it? …. is that too personal??! …Where do you get most of your fabric?
what is one tip you would give to a newbie interested in getting started on sewing? Where to start? What is a must have?
Do you have a favorite TV show? What’s your favorite thing to drink? Who is your favorite band?
Do you have a “craft fail” and if so, what is it?
I saw that someone else asked this-interested in how you and your husband met.
When you are fabric shopping, and you see a fabric you LOVE, MUST HAVE, ETC., how much of it do you buy? One yard is nice but most projects/patterns seem to take more. If I don’t have anything specific in mind, I never know how much to get… How much would YOU buy?
so many Qs. What was your first craft? Where did it all start? How did you get into blogging? How do you find time to craft? What is your go-to fabric store? Favorite craft? Favorite pattern? One type of pattern you just can’t resist? I love anything for my daughter. This could go on forever.
First of all, I love your blog…I visit almost daily to see what is up. I also love that you post blogs that you love…I have gotten so many good ideas from those girls! Knowing that the large majority of your visitors will be women, and knowing how we LOVE details, I’d like to hear more about your life; before blogging and now. Your pics are great, and you update so often on your blog, that we are kept in the loop with how the kiddos are growing. (Love the cheeky pics of Charlotte – I have a very cheeky granddaughter myself!) I really like Me Sew Crazy’s About Me section.
You are doing a fabulous job, BTW!
How did you decide on a sewing machine to buy? Any tips for someone looking for a new one? Where do you buy your fabric? What’s your favorite way to add a little character to your creations?
That is a good incentive! Ok. Here is my question. Do you have a sewing nemesis? Some technique that gets you every time?
I’m sure someone’s asked this, but…
What is your favorite sewing project of all time?
What was your first ever sewing project?
Congrats on the new site!
Wow, so many great questions have already been asked!
While I know your girls aren’t always happy about posing for your adorable pictures, do they wear what you make for them in ‘real life’?
Do you have a sewing budget?
Where do you find the time w/ little ones running around?
How do you stay organized with all your sewing patterns?
PS! I love your blog!
When did you first start to sew? Who taught you? What is your favorite thing to make for others?
What is one surprise tool that you use in your sewing experience? I’m looking for something cool and useful.
I didn’t read all the questions so I’m probably repeating this…but…
How and when did you learn to sew?
Also, do you do other crafts (like knitting, crocheting, etc.)?
Where is your favourite holiday spot? and what it your favourite chocolate?
Not very sewing/crafty orientated but everyone likes holidays and chocolate 🙂
Allie xx
Have you been to stone mountain and daughter in berkeley? I live in the uk, but lived in ca for a few years (my dh is from CA)…..I miss that shop Big Time!
Hey, Jess! Just wanted to let you know that your picnic guest post went up today on my blog! Thanks so much for participating in “Life’s a Picnic!” Loved the recipes you shared.
As for “about you”… how about: What inspires you? Where do you find your motivation on those days that seem motivation-less? How do you balance it all? And why do you craft?
What are your top 3 fav places you have visited? Top 3 places you would LIKE to visit?
What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten (sewing or otherwise)?
What is your biggest vice (Mine being anything chocolate!)
I LOVE your blog! And your girls are DARLING!!!!!
You are way talented – but what else would you like to learn to do / be better at?
deannenorton at gmail dot com
Have you ever ignored your gut telling you NOT to sew something and regretted it? If so what did you make, why didn’t it work, and what did you do with it?
Do you ever get any rest??!!
I love this site!
How do you come up with your own designs?
Ok, my questions:
Why do you sew?
Can you stop yourself sewing?
Do you dream about sewing?
Do you find yourself sneaking into to sew when you shouldn’t really?
(you might guess these are questions from the heart!)
What inspired you to start this blog? Where did you learn to sew? Did your mother sew for you too? I really want to know where you learned to sew!!! I am so impressed with all of your projects, and yeah… where do you find time? What do your girls do while you are sewing?
abgarnette atgmaildotcom
Every blog has a title, and behind that title is a story. What’s the story behind “Craftiness is Not Optional?”
[email protected]
I want to know how you decided to start sewing, too, and what your sewing history is. Did you start at age 2? or home ec? or a couple years ago just for fun?
Also, I’m curious about how you got your blog out there, and picked up so many followers. I mean, obviously, your blog is awesome. But how did you get it so popular?
As a mom of 3 littluns under 4, I wonder how in the world you find time to craft?!!! When do you do it – do you sneak off to craft land when they’re sleeping, put on movies (my sanity sometimes!) or what? And how do you get perfect patterns every time. The first dress I made from your site, using my own pattern was hard to get on my daughter!
maisiesmom at gmail dot com
what jessica were you named after?
(i always wonder since there are so many of us. i was born quite early in the jessica years, so my mother had only heard it once at a bank and thought it sounded pretty)
Oh boy you have lots of quEstions here already! I’m wondering how you’re going to get all of these answered! ?And how I’m so lucky to have a daughter the same size as yours!
Looks like someone already asked my question on your favorite project and the one project that makes you cringe when you think about it. So we’ll go with “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?”
What is your least favorite chore? Easiest chore?
Paper or plastic? 🙂
Oh, and are you messy or a neat freak? I know, I know, two questions, but I couldn’t resist.
1)What do you when you find it hard to get inspired?
2)Or motivated?
3)Did you plan your pregnancies?
4)Are you happy right this minute?
5)Is life different than you planned or are you living the dream?
6)Can I have Charlotte? jk! but I love those cheekies!
Who was your favorite teacher who inspired you in some way and you’ve never forgotten?
hah thanks for mentioning me! although I definitely didn’t invent the q + a.
teal is my favorite too!
q: what is your favorite line of fabric?
Where do you like to buy your fabric and do you have any tips for getting the quality designer stuff for a good deal?
Are you guys thinking of having more kids?
Hi, how do you recharge your energy when you are tired ? Where does your inspirations come from ?
Great idea Jess and yay re the dot com.
My questions(!) are:
What’s the most loved thing someone has ever made for you?
If you were to win a million dollars what would you do with it?
Do you like cooking? What’s your facvourite dish/cake, thing to cook?
Lastly, sweet or savoury?
Oh no…or icecream or baked goods?!
What was the first thing you ever sewed and when?
I want to know about your machines! what kind are they, do you like them, what do you not like about them, ect.
How do you keep on top of your fabric stash?…it must be huge! I have so much trouble keeping mine tidy and actually organised enough to know what I have…Do you keep all of your offcuts? I’ve seen pics of your sewing room, but do you have fabric hidden away?
btw, your blog is one of my top 3 must-look-at-everyday blogs! love it
Sometimes I can literally see you ‘churn’ out girl clothes, how long does it take you to sew up one? You seem mighty fast! How many hours do you spend in sewing a day, and what are the best times to sew (with 2 little girls around and house chores?). How many hours do you sleep a day?
how do you find the time to finish things? I have about 12 crafting things going at once all the time. P.S. I have a toddler, a full time job, and a wonderful husband.
Did you take a class to learn to sew? I am dying to know more than a straight stitch….not sure what direction to take to learn more!
Did you take a class to learn to sew? I am dying to know more than a straight stitch….not sure what direction to take to learn more!
Did you take a class to learn to sew? I am dying to know more than a straight stitch….not sure what direction to take to learn more!
Did you take a class to learn to sew? I am dying to know more than a straight stitch….not sure what direction to take to learn more!
Did you take a class to learn to sew? I am dying to know more than a straight stitch….not sure what direction to take to learn more!
Did you take a class to learn to sew? I am dying to know more than a straight stitch….not sure what direction to take to learn more!
Did you take a class to learn to sew? I am dying to know more than a straight stitch….not sure what direction to take to learn more!
Did you take a class to learn to sew? I am dying to know more than a straight stitch….not sure what direction to take to learn more!
This is a great idea! I might, um, borrow it. =) My question: What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Have a great day!!
What is your favorite Ice Cream or Milkshake?
Have you ever been to New Zealand?
milaandcuatro at gmail dot com
Happy Crafting!
Something I often wonder about… Do you ever feel “burdened” by your blogging gig? Do you ever want a break from sewing but feel you have to keep producing, producing, producing?
Love your blog, btw!
jeni (dot) goldsmith (at) gmail (dot) com
Whew, I’m glad you’re back! I thought all of your tutorials (that I haven’t had a chance to try) had vanished into some internet void! I was going to ask how you have time to sew, but now I know: you’re 26! Seems so young to me now:) So, for fun, what is the first crafty thing you made for your husband?
wow, looks like you’ve got a ton of questions to answer my dear! I don’t really have a question that I can think of, but I think we’d have a blast hanging out sometime. 🙂
I agree with Anna! 🙂 Maybe you can answer how come you’re so awesome. 🙂
If a Genie in a lamp granted you 3 wishes, what would that be ?? 😀
Have a nice day!
What was your very first favorite color or color combo? I remember being head-over-heels in love with blue and yellow. The combo still makes me wistful; like remebering my first crush.
What is your current favorite color combo—what dominates your stash?
First question: Do I get multiple entries for multiple questions?
2: Do you ever find yourself ingoring your babies so you can make something for your babies? (I NEVER do that!)
3: What’s your favorite flavor of Girl Scout Cookie?
4: It’s raining in April-rainboots or flipflops?
5: How do you feel about garlic?
Okay, that’s probably enough!
[email protected]
What is the one sewing/crafting tool you can’t live without? Sewing machines excluded 🙂
Like many others, I would love to know how you get sewing/crafting done with 2 little ones underfoot. I have to save mine for naptime or late in the evening and I never get as much done as I’d like!
Another question–what are some of your favorite inspirations for dreaming up new patterns?
sorainima (at) gmail (dot) com
What’s your fave ‘veg in front of the TV’ snack indulgence??
(Assuming u can tear yourself away from the machine long enough to watch some TV that is!)
Mine’s a Lindt + Sprungli Extra Creamy Choc bar! Usually infront of CSI:)
Oi Jess, diariamente venho ao seu blog, virou vício e faço uso do tradutor google para entender… tenho me divertido com suas postagens, sua maneira de se comunicar é muito legal, descontraída e leve… acho que sou sua fã no. 1… ainda ontem me desesperei, por instantes pensei ter sido bloqueada… que alívio era o com! rsrsrs Bem, a pergunta é: estando eu tão distante, no Brasil, com a língua como barreira, tenho chances na sua escolha aleatória? rsrsrs Parabéns, pelos lindos e inspiradores trabalhos, beijinhos, Marcia
http://wwwarteemanhacom.blogspot.com/ Bjins.
very nice blog you have, thank you for the great ideas!!!!
uit België
How many spools of teal thread do you own?
What has been your most challenging or frustrating sewing project?
Did you give up or embrace the experience?
[email protected]
What do you enjoy most about blogging? This will be fun to get to know more about you!
[email protected]
Well since everyone is asking you about your sewing life I thought I would steer my question a little bit away from that ! Since you are wanting some incentive for you “about me”
-Did you ever picture yourself being a mother to two beautiful little girls ?
I’ve got another question although it really doesn’t have anything to do with your about me 😉 Sorry.
-How did you pick the names Sadie and Charlotte?
[email protected]
What are some good designers of boy or unisex fabric?
I have nephews, no nieces, and every designer seems to want to put out a zillion flower and pink designs!
If you had to pick one craft to make every time you craft for a year, and that is the only craft you could make, what would it be and why?
Ok, you have probably answered this before, but I can’t find it on your blog. What kind of sewing machine and serger do you have?
reggity at sbcglobal dot net
What is your favorite snack to eat when you take a break from crafting?
What were your favorite subjects in school?
If you could be any character in a Disney movie, who would it be?
What song did you first dance to at your wedding?
What is the one project that you are the most proud of? Why?
What TV show is your guilty pleasure? Like you know it’s really silly and pointless, but you can’t help watching it. Mine is Hell’s Kitchen 🙂
caitlindye {at} yahoo {dot} com
Do you have a place where you can leave your sewing machine set up all the time or do you have to take it down between each use?
I tried reading to not repeat, but wow, you have a lot of questions to go through!
I would love to know what made you want to start blogging, and then why and when did you actually start?
Also, do you ever run out of things to write about? What do you do if so?
Holy questions, Batman! I’ll be interested to see your answers 🙂 Hmmm… Those of us who blog know that it isn’t always easy. What motivates you to continue blogging?
I don’t really have a question. I just wanted to say that I love the picture of your bicep. Haha. Oh! I mean sewing machine. 🙂
what time you spend everyday in your blog?
Do you think is to much or to little?
Congratulacions in your Blog
I love it
Oooh, could be interesting if you answer all these questions!
Here’s mine,
Are you a girly girl or next-door-neighbour girl or a tomboy?
I bought the pattern for the bapron, I see payment has cleared my bank and I still have not received the pattern?? I hope you answer back soon! Thank you
Hi Lucy-if you would email me directly at [email protected] we can take care of that, thanks!
Are you considering putting the pinterest icon on your pictures. I would love to pin one of your tutorials.
P.S. I think u r pretty 🙂
I just “stumbled” upon your blog while looking for Barbie doll clothes patterns. I have several from back in the day, however am in DESPARATE need of a flouncy/Kentucky Derby type hat pattern. Seems it would be simple enough to cut out, not so, there is one shown online w/ a summer dress, however, for the life of me, I can’t get the top of the hat to look like the pic (I’d send it to you, but not sure how)……….anyhoo………..I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your tutorials, they are funny and very good (having sewed my entire life, I am an expert, hee, hee)……..so if you have any ideas and/or patterns PLEASE help………Thank you, Nancy
I have sewn forever and am having my first baby girl grandaughter. ( I am 67!) I don’t seem to be able to get a pattern of your Bapron. Can you help?
it’s available here on my site: https://www.craftinessisnotoptional.com/patterns