
…enjoying my TWO (!) girls and having Rory at home. He’s been such an enormous help…doing dishes, cleaning up, changing diapers, entertaining Sadie. What an awesome Dad/hubby he is. Just had to gush for a little bit.

…getting used to our new normal.

…feeling pretty good about our new normal. (right now at least!)

…loving on this cute face. (how could you not?)

…relieved that Charlotte’s name fits her. Some of you may know the panic you have after naming a child… You think: Did I pick the right name? Should she have been a BLANK instead? lol. By the way, the R name we had in mind was Rachel. ๐Ÿ˜€

…excited for my new serger! Rory set it up for me and I played with it a little bit today while Charlotte napped and Sadie was at church. SOO fun..I can’t wait to make some more stuff on it!

…also excited for some guest posters I have lined up! Stick around to see some fun stuff from them.

…I have a few projects saved up to show ya too…a cute dress made from a scarf…a new felt food tutorial…also the car seat strap tutorial. That one’s been hanging around for awhile…sorry. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Also, thank you for all the well wishes! I appreciate them all! Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€


  1. Congratulations and welcome to gorgeous Charlotte.
    You look absolutely amazing in that post birth shot!
    I look forward to following your progress with 2 little ones. xxx.

  2. Congratulations, I totally missed your post about her birth! I love her name Charlotte so cute! The picture of her and Sadie is adorable. Rest whenever it is possible and give those cute girls a hug from South Carolina;0)

  3. Congratulation Jess!
    Your family is so beautiful!
    The girls are lovely!
    Kisses from Brazil!

  4. Charlotte, welcome to the world!! Lots of things to learn and grow from and awesome parents and a big sis to help you through your life!!

    CTR Charlotte.

  5. ๐Ÿ™‚ Beautiful girls! I love little Charlotte’s face and name.

  6. Congrats Jess! Your girls are absolutely beautiful!! Sadie looks so proud of her little sister. Hope you’re getting a chance to relax and enjoy your precious baby! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. they are too cute! I can’t believe you’re even on the computer now, I think we all stayed in our pajamas until Emily was at least 6 weeks old.

  8. Ya, I can’t believe you’re on the computer too! Congrats on your two beautiful girls. Sadie looks so happy and I love that little “O” mouth on Charlotte.

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