
need a last minute valentine idea? ruffles are cute and easy! i whipped up 7 or 8 of these cards in literally 10 minutes…just sew on a strip of material (i used some knit fabric to minimize fraying) to a card, tucking under and over as you go…take it from me, go slow so your ruffles are not crooked. these were the straightest i got. ๐Ÿ˜‰

sadie’s also been hard at work at her valentines…scribbling and stickers! i have to be careful not to let my OCD/perfectionism get in the way of her creativity when we “craft”. do any other moms out there do that? it’s so cool to see something your child made…sadie’s just getting to that stage where she can start doing that kind of thing, and it’s so cute! (although maybe only to me….) anyways…have a great valentine’s day-weekend!

p.s. i got a new rug last night…haha. at costco. for $100. can’t beat that! (it’s a graphic print. oh well!)


  1. Very cute cards, and that is very good of you to let sadie sign her own way!!!! I linked to your flower tutorial in my Thursday update post:0) Love those flowers!!!

  2. very cute cards!!

    And you do one step better than me…at least you let her help. My kids aren’t allowed near my craft stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. GREAT IDEA! I am making mine today and I’m totally using this idea! Thanks! -Kelsee

  4. Hardest thing ever is to let Rayne do her own crafting and such. I just watch her and always have to hold back my hands wanting to go straighten everything out! It does get easier, but still…:)

  5. Love the ruffle cards…what a cute idea. Yes, I totally have to hold my OCD back when Lauren is crafting and I’m always so proud of myself when I do!

    By the way, you’ll have to post a pic of the Costco rug. I only ever see those standard oriental-type rug patterns there.

  6. super cute! i just made one with a crocheted heart on it! if you can crochet you should try it….so easy! {card will be posted tomorrow on my blog!}

  7. those are really sweet valentines.

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