
uh, can i just say i can’t wait for my camera to come?! OK..


let me take you for a walk down memory lane…..in my high school years and for a few years after, i took every photography class i could…and rolls and rolls of film. (pre-digital, heh heh) i remember spending hours in the darkroom at school, watching the images appear on the paper. those chemicals were stink-y! winding film in the dark, wasting precious photo paper on a bad print….ahh. so fun. my uncle is an awesome photographer, so i’d pick his brain often, and had lessons on composition, photoshop, etc from him. i can’t wait to start chatting again about photography with him, and my dad too. 🙂

my graduation present from my family was a digital SLR camera, i don’t remember the brand, but oh baby i was excited. i’ve always loved the composition aspect of photography…i’m not so much with the f-stops and apertures. lol. anyways, here are some pictures from a trip to the carmel mission way back when that i found the other day. i can’t wait to get my camera and start shooting some pictures! (i’m sure mostly of sadie) haha.

oh…and i’m getting the canon rebel xsi


  1. Right before I found out about you getting your new camera I told Chris I wanted to learn more about photography. Now I can pick your brain! (Although I won’t have a cool camera)

  2. Hi there. Found your blog through Young House Love. What kind of camera are you getting?

  3. These are sweeet pictures Jess! Hope your camera gets there soon!

  4. ooo i’m so excited for you! i remember the day mine came, i was practically waiting by the mailbox all day! have fun!

  5. I wish my pictures from Carmel were that good!! (By the way, I’ve been reading your blog for quite awile now, but I understand the joy of a new camera and had to say “hooray!”)

  6. You are going to have so much fun! Let me know if you have any questions too! I love photography so much. I am super excited to get my studio set up again.

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