New quilt!

Well, lookie what Mommy finished today!

The three hour nap helped, but I still used my machine to sew the binding. I value my free time too much to do it by hand again anytime soon.

Stitched it across, and diagonally…again, and again, and yes, again. It really didn’t take long, just gave my arms a workout pushing it through the machine. Sah-weet!

hehe look at that cute little hand! Don’t look at the binding too closely, especially if you see this in real life, PLEASE!

There’s my mobile I made a few weeks back.

Yes, I know I need to lower her crib….Rory needs to help me figure it out! I’m useless with that kind of thing.


  1. So cute! Sadie’s lucky to have such a crafty mommy!

  2. very cute! i love it! go you!

  3. How fun! Love all the cute happy colors on her nursery!

  4. You have an amazing eye for color and patterns. The quilt is beautiful.

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