Past, Present, Future.


Yesterday Rory cleaned up the yard with a hurting back, then we dropped off my car to fix it’s squealing belt, then visited with his parents, then met my mom and sister in the Target parking lot, then went up to a fabric store in San Jose where I got this fabric for $2 a yard,

…should have gotten more, also bought some trim and buttons and another piece of fabric, all totaling $11, then we bought some Vietnamese baked yummies and then we drove home and then we went back to Morgan Hill to pick up my car (fixed for free), and had dinner with Rory’s parents, then we drove home and put the baby down for the count, and then watched Biggest Loser and finished a bunch of onesie orders and then fell asleep.


Today was lovely, Rory slept in a little bit while Sadie and I amused ourselves doing…something, I can’t remember, then I worked on some wooden blocks with my Dad for singing time at church, then we dressed the Sadie in a new dress, and put her hair in a clip for the first time…oh how cute!,

…then we went to church and singing time went well!, by the way it was also raining this whole time, then we went home, stealing Janae with us, and made some rice, correctly this time, and headed over to my parents for some yummy stuffed pork chops, rice of course, broccoli and salad from their greenhouse garden, and brussel sprouts, have I mentioned I looove brussel sprouts?, weird I know, then we had FHE and tried to get Sadie to last longer at night…she’s doing better.


Playdates, Dad’s birthday cake, and Stephanie coming for a visit are the exciting things coming up!

P.S. Sorry for all the run on sentences, well not really, cause it was kind of fun rambling, but at the same time kind of hard to do because I am pretty good at grammar and spelling, although I didn’t misspell anything as far as I know.

The end…


  1. Awwww, Sadie looks adorable in her little clippy! I can’t wait until Ella finally gets some hair!!

  2. Trying to, uh, cop-a-feel there, Sadie?

  3. I was going to say “I love how she’s grabbing your boob,” but Cassy beat me to it 🙂 What a cute fam!

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