The post you’ve all been waiting for….

Here she is!

Sadie L.

8 lbs 2 oz
19.5 inches long

Sadieย  made her entrance into the world on August 14th at 2:56 in the afternoon. She weighed 8 lbs 2 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. You may recall I was supposed to go in for an induction Thursday morning. Well, little Sadie decided she wanted things done on her terms. That night I started having contractions at around 3 in the morning, and gradually getting closer together until they were about 3 minutes apart by the time we got to the hospital at nine that morning. I was 4 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced at that time. (by the way, I will try not to get graphic, but if you don’t like hearing about pain or childbirth….skip ahead to the pretty pictures.) They decided to just let me labor on my own naturally since I was already started. They suggested we walk around to help things get moving. We were thinking we’d be there for awhile. I had stocked up on magazines to read, and other labor things that we heard were helpful. We walked around for about 20 minutes and surprise! My water broke. That was at about 10:45. Up til then the contractions had been bearable. About 20 minutes later things really got started. I remember thinking…this isn’t too bad. HA! Pretty soon I was asking for drugs. I got an IV at around 12:30 or 1 with some “pain medication”. I say this in quotes because it didn’t help at all. It made me feel dizzy for about 15 minutes and then…nothing could help. I remember asking the nurse if it was going to get worse than it was, and she said yes. (yikes!) So…by 1:30 I was begging for an epidural, and they got the anesthesiologist up to my room. He was asking all the questions he needed to, and they checked me one more time….the midwife said “you’re not gonna believe this….you’re at 10 centimeters!” I was freaking out! I went from 4 centimeters at about 12:30 to 10 at 2:00. An hour and a half! No wonder I was in such pain! The nurse was like…”oh I guess it won’t get any worse than this, sorry!” lol. So, anyways….they pretty much said they could try the epidural but it wouldn’t help most likely. I turned that option down and bit the bullet. Her heart rate was getting low as well, so they wanted me to try pushing soon. I started pushing around 2:30 and she was born at 2:56! It was the most amazing thing to finally meet her! Recovery has been hard, because of lots of stiches and an episiotomy. (ouch…Sorry!) Rory has been a HUGE help, and he was great during the whole thing. He kept me breathing pretty much. All those breathing techniques they have you do go out the window once a good contraction hits. haha. Now here are the pretty pictures!

Already has daddy wrapped around her finger.

Screaming her lungs out.

Mommy and baby…I was SOOO tired. (was? am!)


In her going home outfit. Newborn size and she’s drowning in it! Soo cute!

On our way out the door…

On our way home.

Now we’re home and trying to relax. Ally doesn’t know what to think of Sadie, but she’s not hiding from us at least. lol. Anyways…gonna go sit down. or lay down. We’ll see.


  1. She’s so cute! I can’t believe all that hair. Ezra’s jealous. We’re so excited for you. Just remember to sleep when she’s sleeping.

  2. Congratulations!! She is beautiful! And I love her name! :)I’m glad all went well with the birth…I can’t believe you did it naturally–you’re superwoman!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Get some rest now and enjoy that precious girl of yours!

  3. Oh wow I’m so happy for you guys! I was hoping you would go with the name Sadie. I LOVE IT! She is so cute! I think she looks a lot like you. CONGRATS!!!

  4. I’ve been waiting for this post! Congratulations. I’m really glad things went so well. She’s a doll.

  5. Aww, I am so so happy that Sadie is here and that you are both home safe and sound!!!! You were so amazing, Rory had to have been amazing! Sadie, we cry too when we have to get out of the nice warm ocean!!!
    Enjoy your beautiful gift from Heaven:)As all the other’s have said “rest often”

  6. Oh my goodness!!!! She’s so beautiful!! I was so happy to see that you posted pictures right away! hahah i’ve been waiting to see her! How exciting!!! and you look great! my gosh! No joke!!! That’s so fun! i can’t wait to meet her!!! Congrats!!!

  7. Congratulations!!!! I’m so happy for you both! She’s beautiful!! I hope you heal soon, and that you get some sleep. Congrats again. Can’t wait to meet her!

  8. Awww! Maybe she didn’t curb my appetite for babies. haha!

  9. Oh my beautiful baby! Jess…I am SO impressed that you did it naturally, dang girl! And my word, Sadie…what a gorgeous angel! I can’t believe you’re a mommy! PS…is nursing hard? I’ve heard it’s really really rough…ouch! I hope you’re recovering well, as well as you can anyway! Well…rest up, and keep posting every little “first” know, first bath etc…and freak! Congratulations you two…three I mean! Welcome to the world Sadie! Love you all!

  10. Congratulations Jess and Rory! We are so happy for you. Sadie is one very fortunate baby to have been born to such a loving mother. We will pass this information on to Karen. She and Jordan will return from their honeymoon to Italy tomorrow evening.
    Best wishes for a bright and sweet future.
    John and Stacey Thacker

  11. Congrats you two! Sadie Looks adorable and you look great Jess! Have fun with your newest little one!

  12. Welcome to our world, Sadie! Good job, Jess! We love you.

  13. Congratulations!!! She is B-E-A-Utiful! It’s good to be tired. It means you are normal ๐Ÿ™‚ BTW You look GREAT in the going home pic, Wow–Really I wouldn’t have guessed you just delivered a baby! Crazy. Good luck. Take advantage of whatever people are willing to offer. Babysitting so you can nap, food, taking the trash out etc. My best to you all ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Congratulations Jess and Rory. She is so beautiful. Isn’t it amazing? I have to agree with Courtenay and give you a huge thumbs up for ending up doing the birth naturally. I’m way too big of a whimp! I hope everything is going well, it sounds like you are adjusting pretty well. Good luck with everything! We love you all.

  15. So precious!
    I thought I’d share a quick story about my childbirth because it was kind of like yours– I was stuck at 5 cm all day. At midnight they came in and checked again, and yep, still 5cm. At 2 am they came in again, and the doctor was very surprised to find me at 10cm. She said, “This can’t be right. I’m going to have another doctor come in and give a second opinion!” But sure enough I was ready to push. Unfortunately, my child did not come out until 5:25 am, and only after some vacuum extraction. Pushing sure did suck!

  16. Congrats on your new little one, just thought I’d read sadie’s too ๐Ÿ™‚ My birthday is August 15th and I was 11 days late for my poor mama! My first baby is 9 months now and I’m kinda scared to have a second! Good Luck!

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