bright yellow geranium dress

bright yellow geranium dress

Another day, another dress for one of my girls. It’s how it works around here. 😀

Not to stray too far from my proven formula, I sewed up a Geranium dress. (and one more you’ll see soon!)

fabric source

bright yellow geranium dress

I’ve not been feeling the sewing bug so much lately because of baby #4, but I have been crafting my heart out making fall and christmas decorations.

Early nesting maybe?

bright yellow geranium dress

So I apologize for the crickets around here of late…hopefully I get my sewing mojo back soon!

Maybe after I find out the gender? Cross your fingers!

bright yellow geranium dress

Until then….

bright yellow geranium dress

bright yellow geranium dress


  1. Sorry Jess, but I’m rooting for another girl because you make them so CUTE!
    Super cute geranium too. That is my favorite pattern.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I gave up after 3 so cheers to you for cranking out these beautiful dresses while dreaming of your next days : )! This dress is gorgeous and I love the fabric, the buttons and the accent piping. Thank you for continuing to inspire and to share! Lisa

  3. She looks fab, great photos as well! She’s getting so big, and now becoming a big sis as well… Exciting!

  4. Dear Jess,
    Im one of your fan..cause i like sewing too…i like the girl..she’s so cute

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