a super cool serger tip

Here’s an easy way to keep your serger seams from fraying or unraveling. Whether you’re sewing with knit fabric and want to leave the bottom un-hemmed, or just finishing some seams on some woven cotton, this will work for both scenarios.

First, you’ll need to make sure to leave a few inches of extra thread when you finish a seam. Then thread a large yarn needle with the thread chain. You’ll need a big ol needle so that you can get the thread through easily.

Next thread the needle back through the stitches like so, for about an inch or two.

 Pull the thread chain through, then clip off the extra. Tada! Now they will stay put. No fraying. Yippee! (I really am that excited about this!)

More shirts coming soon!


  1. Ah good, just what I wanted to know!! Thanks!

  2. Just last night I was trying to figure out a way to finish up a serger end. This is perfect!

  3. Oh my gosh thank you for this! Every time I finish a hem and cut the thread short I think “wait a second, this is going to come undone! How do I get this to not happen?!” Now, I know 😀 Thanks again!

  4. Exactly what i needed to know, you are just sew clever!!

  5. I always just cut the ends off and hope for the best. Thanks for the tip!

  6. great tip – I either do a few stitches at the bottom or forget and have bottoms start pulling apart after a few washes – this is way better ;o)

  7. I’ve tried this several times and I can never get the needle to go under the threads nicely. I now use this method which finishes the ends while you serge. It’s really easy once you get the hang of it and you don’t need to remember to finish them later.

  8. Wonderful idea, keeps everything neat.

  9. brilliant!

  10. I love this! I’ve heard that using a very small crochet hook is also great for this.

  11. I do this same thing 🙂 When I first got my serger I was so confused about how to finish things off!

  12. This is what I do (unless I’m lazy) and just today I was thinking I’d never seen anyone post about this =)

  13. Jess, seriously. You just made me not hate my serger so much. Bless you.

  14. Great Tip Jess. I am so tired of those little tails poking out of my sewn garments.

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