Weekends are tiring!

This weekend was fun but tiring. lol. I went down to my parents place to sleepover and then the next day help my sister clean her room. That part was fine…her room was NOT! agh. It was a disaster! (sorry jo, it was!) hehe. I played the part of the slave driver all day. It was A LOT of work. we were working on the room all day minus a few breaks for grub. and shopping. We got a cute color scheme worked out though. I’m excited to see how it turns out. So, then I went home and hung out with the hubby, which was nice and relaxing. I started feeling sick though. I guess I’m having bad allergies to my cat’s room. yuck. Then, sunday rolled around, and we were subbing for the 5 year old sunday school class! They are good kids and we’ve taught them before, but still we were ready to crash when we got home. First we drove past a new house on the market on our way home. But, then of course I got into this book, The Goose Girl, that Joanna lent me and I didn’t take a nap. haha. Then, we decided to move my scrapbook area to our spare room! woohoo. lots more space and fun times to be had. Here’s a pic of the half-finished room. I still need some shelves and storage-but it’s nice to spread my stuff out. Anyways, that was my weekend. Hope yours was crazy and fun too!


  1. That was a busy weekend! So is Joanna’s room all sparkling clean now? You’re room looks like it’ll be so much fun!

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