see ya!

Hey all!Soo.....I'm going to be out of town for the next three days for a church women's retreat. Hooray for girl talk, sleeping in (what's that like?), and lots of yummy food. Rory is such an awesome hubby that he's taking time off work so I can go! (thanks, hun!) I've made salsa and smore's cookies for my contribution to the calorie count, and … [Read more...]

that’s a lot of information.

Hey there.I am so, so excited to unveil a new look for my blog! It's been a long time coming. I loved my old design, but was ready for a change and something fresh and new. So I turned to Smitten Blog Designs, and my designer Missy did an amazing job translating my garbled wants into a crisp new design. I absolutely love it! (make sure and hop over … [Read more...]

Life’s a Picnic

Today I'm also guest posting at Bugaboo, Mini Mr, and Me's Life's a Picnic series-I put together all my favorite summery picnic/BBQ dishes. Yumm, getting hungry just thinking about it. Check them out! … [Read more...]

q and a, mini giveaway (hey that rhymes!)

Hey, so some of you may have noticed the little hiccup yesterday-aka-no blog access for most of the day. :( I apologize, it was entirely my fault, and entirely to my hubby's credit that it's up and running today. Yes, he is a computer miracle worker. THANK YOU Rory. You rock. And you may notice I have a .com now. Yahoo...though I'm still … [Read more...]

Limited Commercial License for Patterns/Tutorials

First off, I want to say that I absolutely love providing my tutorials and patterns here for free, and for you all to enjoy! I think blogs are a fantastic way to share information and learn from each other. They are a large part of how I learned how to sew myself. I also absolutely adore receiving photos of projects you've made using my tutorials. … [Read more...]

CSN stores rocks my socks.

I'm so excited to be teaming up with CSN stores again for a product review. I'm sure you've heard of this awesome site-they have soo much stuff all in one place! From swing sets for kids, to, um....pretty much anything you could think of.  This swing set is pretty awesome! Swing mansion is more like it.I really like this lighting fixture for our … [Read more...]

you’ve been busy!

 Every time a new photo pops up in my flickr group, I get so excited! To see people actually using my tutorials makes me so happy! I just wanted to share a bit of the craftiness going on over there...Click on the pic to take you to the source.  This adorable dress was inspired by the Sadie shirt-love where she went with it! and it's perfect … [Read more...]

cute but tiring.

I realized that this blog was lacking in some Charlotte/Sadie cuteness lately.  So here ya go. Just remember, in real life...they are boogers.  haha. just kidding. but not really.  Both of them are having big sleep issues...which means I'm getting TONS of rest, you can imagine. ha. Anyways, I will just have to look at these cute … [Read more...]

2010-see ya

  Some of my favorite projects in 2010....I'm looking forward to 2011! I learned a lot this past year, sewing wise...can't wait to learn more. There is ALWAYS more to learn. :D Happy New Year!! … [Read more...]

hey, all.

I'm back! Couldn't stay away for too long, ya know? (though posting may be spotty this week)We had a great Christmas, spending time with family and friends, and Sadie LOVED opening her presents. Really, is there any other option when it comes to presents? Of course she's gonna love opening them! (and playing) The hit was her Aquadoodle...really it … [Read more...]