Pushing Daisies and other great time-wasters…I mean TV shows!

I just love my TV shows. Maybe it’s compensating for the TV ban my parents had for most of my growing up years (except for PBS), but I love having shows to follow and watch, it’s especially fun now that DVR and TiVo have been invented. No more pesky commercials! I have discovered this show called Pushing Daisies, it’s about a guy (Ned), who can bring dead things back to life by touching them, but only for one minute, then he has to touch them again (which puts them dead again), or else something or someone will die to compensate in the nearby area. He uses this power thingy to solve murders. (does it get any easier than to ask someone who killed them?) Then he and his slightly crooked partner (who kinda blackmailed him into doing this) collect the reward money. The twist is his childhood sweetheart Chuck (no, not a guy), died, and he brought her back to life, but didn’t touch her again, so he can’t touch her now, even as they’re falling in love! oh how sweet and sad. It’s so very cute though, the style is so quirky and tongue in cheek. I love it! Some of the other shows I enjoy are (watch out, long list.)

Love PB. Didn’t love season 3, but oh well!


funny! love these two guys together, they’re very sarcastic and just funny.

Rory and I love telling people on this show what they should do, of course, they never listen!


We’re in it for the long haul, even if we don’t get ANYTHING they do.

Just fun to watch!

Good drama. I can only take so much.

ANother one Rory and I like to watch. A fun comedy, and I think of it every time I go to Best Buy. haha.

So, if you watch any of these shows, give me a shout out and we’ll debate plot points and such. Good times!


  1. Wow.

  2. Wow, we have {almost} the exact same taste in shows!!

    First of all, The Office is my all time favorite! I could watch the episodes over and over and never stop laughing. And I have a major crush on Jim…just don’t tell my husband… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Psych is another favorite. So dang funny. I love Gus…and Shawn. Together they are hilarious. I just hope Shawn and Jules will get their kiss soon. Those two are so cute!

    LOVE Grey’s Anatomy. I saw it at the library one day and decided to give it a go. Well, of course I was instantly hooked. So I watched all the seasons on DVD and now I’m all caught up for season 5. I love all the interesting medical stories, the relationships, the drama. And I love the music they have on the show, too.

    I watched the first couple of episodes of Chuck and loved it. Then, somehow I forgot about it, but man, it was funny while it lasted…

    I’ve only seen the first season of Prison Break but I absolutely loved it. So smart and intriguing and suspenseful, and hey, you can’t complain about all the eye candy, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ve never watched the other shows you mentioned…but another of my favs is Arrested Development. It’s not on the air anymore, but you should check it out sometime.

    Okay, so I bet you weren’t expecting that long of a post…Sorry. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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