This year for our Halloween costumes, we went with Peter Pan/Neverland characters! (these pics are from our church party/trunk or treat) I had to cross dress again (but weren’t most Peter Pan actors women for awhile, anyways?), but I’ll gladly let my little gals take the girl parts of any ensemble. And before you think I forced any of them into these costumes (well, except Rory, I did force encourage him) they LOVE dressing as a theme and spent weeks poring over our Peter Pan book pointing out each others characters. Too cute, right? I’ll take this willingness to dress up in a group as long as I can! Next year I’ll really have to think of a group with lots of girl characters though. Ideas…?
For Charlotte’s Tink costume, I sewed up a reeally simple cap sleeved bodice with some bright green stretch fabric (from Joanns clearance), then added a skirt with some ragged cuts on bottom. Simple-easy…that’s what I needed this year! I added some wings we had in our dress up and a sock bun and called it good! next time one of them is a fairy though, we are getting rounded wings. Those curved pieces are cute, but she kept snaring kids at the trunk or treat! haha.
Safe to say, she loves it. And her spunky personality totally fits with Tinkerbell’s!
Did you spy our shy little Tiger Lily back there behind attention-seeking Tink?
I gave Sadie her choice of Tink, Tiger Lily, or Wendy, since Charlotte’s easy going and Ava, well…she could care less. She chose Tiger Lily right off the bat, and then I sealed the deal by telling her she wears a feather headband!
I got the costume fringe fabric from Joanns and used the Sadie Grace Nightgown pattern again. I cut the V a little lower in front and then folded over the edge and sewed it down. Costumes are all about quick n’ dirty sewing for me. I sewed on some pink FOE around the neck and sleeves, and then since the V was a little too low in front after all that, made a pleat to bring the neckline up. Oh and I also sewed some fabric behind the cut outs since they were a little high up on her legs. She picked out a special sparkly button and I sewed that onto the front. Made her headband in about 2 minutes by sewing some blue elastic to fit her noggin, then glued a white feather to the back that I had colored in the top with a red fabric marker. She added her favorite ankle boots and we checked Tiger Lily off the list!
Next: the Captain. He was my fave! Just about the only thing handmade was his jacket, which I drafted a simple pattern for and sewed on some gold ribbon around the neck and the sides. Added some ruffled trim around the sleeves, too. By the end I was totally dragging my feet and ended up finishing the hem with aqua thread. (too lazy to switch just for a costume, puh-lease ain’t got time for that!) I safety pinned some lace to his white shirt. done. Oh yeah, I bought the hook, boot covers, wig, and pirate hat (with red bows removed, obvs.), on Amazon. (affiliate links)
(do ya like Tink up there by his shoulder, flitting around? lol)
Wendy was super simple. Sewed up a Sweet Dress in light blue linen, in 2T so it would be long, then tied a darker blue ribbon around her waist. Easy and she was comfy!
Sorry about the awful Iphoto pics btw.
and now you get to see me smiling like a doofus Peter Pan. I bought some leggings online, sewed up a quick tunic with the same fabric as Tink’s costume, raggified the edges, added a belt, and was done. Oh and the hat! I found this hat tutorial and free pattern online and scaled it up to 200%, added 1″ to the bottom, and sewed it up in some green felt. Added a red feather and was done, for real now.
oh gosh, let’s not let the last thing you see on this post be my nerdy face.
What a wonderful group of Neverlanders! I love it when whole families dress up together. It’s one of my favorite things!
Absolutely adorable! I love group costumes!
This is totally awesome.
Wow! This whole family costume looks so adorable! You did a relly great job! I must think about a group costume for my family next year… 🙂 Love too little Wendy!!
I love family themes. Nicely done!!
You are awesome sauce my friend!
That is too cute!
Next year, My Little Pony of course! Plenty of girl characters there. And a few gallant boy ponies for your husband to pick from too 😉 Or you can do Strawberry Shortcake! They are both very popular right now, but who knows what will be cool next year 😀
haha great idea but we did that last year! 🙂
sweeeeeet! I don’t know how you always do it, but I’m always amazed 🙂
Well done jess! These all look great!
Oh too cute! You make a great Peter Pan – look at those legs! 🙂 I tried to get my girls to do a family Peter Pan gig this year (their school is performing Peter Pan this year for the annual musical), but they decided to go steampunk instead. 🙂 You all look fantastic! Happy Halloween!
Love your Peter Pan theme! You all look great. You are super talented at making everything look so easy to make.
You rock! I love this!!! Have fun trick or treating!
Love IT!!!! Once again I feel like copying you for next year!! Although I’m still contemplating the My Little Pony costumes… they were super cute too! But the family/group costumes are really fun! Fantastic job once again!
Very cute 🙂 I love group costumes so much! I wish my kids were young enough to do group costumes.
Oh my goodness, you are all so cute! Especially Charlotte, with that adorable sock bun. Love it!
My first thought/suggestion was Little Women, but your girls probably haven’t gotten into that book yet. Second idea was Flicka, Ricka and Dicka. Loved that book in early elementary school. Book probably no longer in print. How about 3 little pigs or 3 billy goats gruff. Loved your PeterPan theme and costumes.
I love the satellite dish on your head!!
What about going as the Ingalls family from Little House on the Prairie
great idea! I’d have to talk it up to get the girls excited about it…lol no glitter or sparkles in the pioneer world, eh? 😀
mean to comment earlier – these are so fun! love rory’s sneer in the first pic, and your girlies are always so cute. hmmmm….ideas….first of all, watch some wes anderson movies – they may not have too many girls but there are lots of ensemble ideas and are fun to sew. sparkle power did a fun scooby doo family costume a couple years back, and you can’t go wrong with ’80s/’90s cartoons either – ninja turtles (saw a lot of those this year, so fun!), rainbow brite, etc. oh willy wonka and the chocolate factory could be pretty sweet (gene wilder version of course)!
yes I have them on my netflix list! just need to find the movie I have right now to send it back…lol. I like the cartoon characters idea! I’ve gots some brainstorming to do… year.