bento round up #8

Are you guys enjoying these bento lunch round ups? I personally love seeing them all in one place…there’s just something about colorful food in cute lunch boxes that makes me happy and wishing I was still a kid! I asked Sadie if any other kids have bentos in her class, she said a few of them have lunchboxes like hers but no picks. “NO PICKS mom, can you imagine?”
The horror.
Alright, onto the bentos! Warning: there are affiliate links (way down yonder at the bottom). Thank you in advance for enabling my bento supply buying addiction.

This bento I packed in our Goodbyn-which I love for the room, but not for the color. Super bright…my iphone doesn’t like it. Anywho-this one had a sunbutter and honey sandwich, orange, cereal bar, turkey roll ups, cheese bites, and some sorry lookin’ peaches.

This bento has some creepy cat staring atcha. with strawberry cream cheese in the middle, so soften the creepiness. Also some dried mango, cat cheese, and orange, and teensy grapes.

This bento had a mini bagel and cream cheese sandwich, hard boiled bunny, mango, cheddar bites, and strawberries and blueberries. And an assortment of animal buddies.

This one had a chicken and cheddar bagel sandwich, cherry tomatoes, cereal bar, hard boiled bear, and berries.

I made some zucchini and carrot muffins (which the girls LOVED muwahahaaa I feel like an evil genius, getting them to eat their veggies!), so Sadie got one in her bento, along with some cheddar bites, orange sections, bunny egg, and grapes. I whole heartedly went for the bunny theme on this one.

I got a new box this week-which I love so far! The Good Lunch Box-in Hoot.Β  It’s spacious and easy for Sadie to open and close, which is great. Plus the lid is adorable! you’ll have to check the link to see that, since I forgot to take a pic! Anyways…this one had another muffin, hard boiled bear, goldfish and panda cookies, rolled up chicken kabobs, and kiwi/strawberry salad.

One more bonus blurry bento box! (say that five times fast!) This one was for Charlotte…andΒ  had some heart sunbutter sandwiches, cheese bites, dried mango, hard boiled YUM egg, and teeny grapes.

Supplies below!


  1. Love these! Can’t wait for my little one to be old enough so I can pack her lunches too.

  2. Very nice luches πŸ™‚
    Just one question, for how long are these luches supposed to last? Is it enough to fill up a child?
    My son is almost 3, and he has even more in his lunchbox.

  3. I don’t know about everbody else, but I love these Bento roundups! They’re so adorable!

  4. @Mia, well, I’d assume that each child eats different amounts of food-this is plenty for my little Sadie. She usually eats about 3/4 of it at school, and then the rest when she gets home, and she’s never complained about being hungry. I often will stick a squeezie applesauce pouch in her bag too, just in case. πŸ™‚

  5. Love these posts!

    Any tips on how hot the eggs have to be when you put them in the molds? I about burnt my fingers off getting the shells off! Also, are eggs smaller in Japan? The regular ones we get at the farm squished out the sides of the mold when I latched it and didn’t form right…

    thanks! Amanda

  6. I would be a happy mom if I could get my kid to eat that much! I’m totally going to support your habit I’ve been eyeing up a couple of those accessories for awhile now. And my kids don’t have picks- can you believe it!

  7. These look so good! I think this is the perfect amount and variety of foods to fill a little belly! if fact, it’d probably fill me up! yummy!

  8. @Amanda-I peel them when they are as hot as I can handle them-and will run them under the cold water if it gets too hot for my fingers. πŸ™‚ Also, I use large size eggs-but medium would probably be even better. Extra large=leakage! I feel ya!

    @onceuponasew-so funny what kids see as a big deal! πŸ™‚

  9. Hi there, Great post, First of all πŸ™‚
    I found it so cool that i immediatly Order some staff for my “Little Monster ” πŸ™‚
    But i just have a question, i have tried to boil a couple of eggs, but i can Never geht the Form. Can you help me? How do you do it?
    Half of the egg goes Out and When i Open the forms, i berly can reconize either the Bunny neither the rabit :-s
    Thx a Lot!

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