
I was looking through old baby pictures of mine…and found these! Don’t Charlotte and I look like twinners as babies? Crazy!

***BTW, the flower girl dress is done and DONE! hooray! No last minute sewing! I’ll get some pictures of it up here soon. ๐Ÿ˜€


  1. So fun. I’ve had deja vu moments with my baby where I see myself in her, more so than with my other kiddos.

  2. make sure you label your photos well. I regularly get confused between baby photos of my girls… not as much as my other half though! x.

  3. You look like the same baby!

    hugs from Brazil

  4. You two look identical! Wow! It is like seeing the Doublemint twins! If she’s lucky, she’ll be as cute as mom when she grows up!

  5. Twins for sure!

  6. Identical!! So cute, you have a Mini-Jess! ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Oh so cute! I’m excited to see the flower girl dress- goodness you’re speedy!

  8. Don’t you just love comparing photos? I do. She’s definitely your baby. I secretly like it better when people tell me my babies look like me, instead of like my husband. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. wow that is just crazy!! She’s like a cut out of you, so cute!

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