Feel like going shopping? Need a cute baby shower present? Then head to my Etsy shop. Do I sound like an infomercial? hehe. Well, I opened my Etsy shop this week and have a few of my items up for purchase. I haven’t sold anything yet but I am getting some interest. (BTW, Etsy is like eBay for handmade products) A mommy review blog wants to review my products, so I may get some exposure online from that! I hope it can work out so it’s something I can do from home while raising our kids. It’s SUPER fun too! Go check it out, there’s a linky loo on the side of our blog. Caution: You WILL get addicted to surfing Etsy. I did. My twelve step program isn’t working very well either. 😀
Look at you all promoting yourself. Have you no shame?