Pregnant woman vs. moving…who will triumph?

I went for my weekly doctor’s appointment this morning, and she said I was 1 centimeter dilated but with no effacement. So…something’s happening! She was surprised that I was dilated at all because I told her I hadn’t had too many contractions. Just once in awhile and not for very long either. Anyways, this doesn’t really mean much…I could go into labor in a few weeks or tomorrow…there’s no way to tell! I just hope she hangs on inside me for another week at least! lol. We’re already starting to move our stuff down, we did a little on Saturday and we’re moving a bunch of stuff today and tomorrow probably. It will be nice to finally get the carpet in tomorrow so that we don’t have to pile everything in the garage anymore! yay! On another topic, my mom said she wanted to buy us some knives for our kitchen because, well, we don’t have any. (duh) She’s going to get us CUTCO knives! woo-hoo! So excited…is that lame to get so excited over some kitchen knives? naw. You know you’re all jealous. hehe.

So pretty and shiny, huh?


  1. Yay for being dilated to a one! Any day now then I guess. So exciting! Do you guys have a name picked out yet?

  2. She’s coming!! Did they say if she dropped yet? Can you believe in about 2 weeks you’ll have a new house and a new baby?!?! I’m more excited for the baby, but the house is cool to. hehe.

  3. Wow those are some very sweet knifes:) Will look great in your Kitchen!!! I think that there may be a lesson to be learned here, children end up in the doc’s office and the hospital at the most inopportune times! Mom’s would you agree with me on that one?

  4. P.S. I think we are all so excited to finally meet the sweet precious baby that you have been taking such good care of for the last 9 months! So best wishes in the coming day’s/weeks:)

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