Another post about pumpkins

Pumpkin carving time! ohh yeah. We gathered at my parents house for our semi-annual pumpkin carving day (the other is in April…but the pumpkins are kinda hard to find) haha. We covered the table with plastic and carved away! Guts, seeds, and slimy stuff were flying everywhere! Gotta love it. We all chose our designs; an American flag for Jordan and Janae, a cute kitty face for Julia, a sideways pumpkin for Josh, a funny face for Rory, a pirahna (sp?) pumpkin for Joanna, and a Boston terrier for Jessica. It was ambitious but way fun! We all fought over the ONE pumpkin carving tool. Yeah. You would think in a family of 10 we would have more. tehe. Anyways, here are some pics!

Left to Right: Joshie, Julia, Jessica, Rory, Jordan & Janae, and Joanna’s pumpkins.

Rory looks like he’s having fun!

My Boston terrier pumpkin!


  1. You guys are pro’s I wish you lived in South Carolina. I would hire you to carve me a Cavalier pumpkin:)

  2. I’m tagging you. Nice pumpkins!

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